General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help!

Please help! in General Discussion

    Hi Guys,

    Have made this smurf account to get higher MMR.
    Finally managed to get level 50 experience trophy (around 130 games) and my first TBD (Ranked Match) was shown as me being the highest on my team with an average of 4600 MMR.

    I won it (Went 7/2/17 via roaming ganking) and went next.
    Same thing, I was highest in the 4600 Match.

    Went solo support Lich and got a Loss (3/7/3).

    The thing is after this match, the third TBD match got me into 4200 average MMR (and I'm not the highest anymore)
    4th and 5th got me a win and a loss and am still at 4200 Avg mmr.

    Could anyone explain how this TBD Calibration works?
    I heard of the Zeus HD exploit but seems it was patched over.

    Please help!

    PS: no flamerino please :D

    Ce sujet a été édité

      ahahahahhaha get rekt boi


        fucking noscoped

        Mind Games



            Poke ur eye


              Poke ur eye


                Sorry, realised the wording was off and nobody cant see shit. Just amended it ..

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  stop makin smurfs seriously, waste of time


                    if u play poorly, ur mmr decreases. if you do well, it goes up.


                      Your first ranked game uses your Hidden rating. If its over 4.2-4.3k it gets capped at 4.2-4.3k on your 2nd game, otherwise it changes as it normally does during calibration. You can climb up from 4.3k~ approx cap starting from your 2nd game and you gain extra mmr during the remaining 9 calibration games.