General Discussion

General Discussionwisp man guy

wisp man guy in General Discussion
Elo - Hell

    Yo so i've been thinking wisp is a dope hero when every core gets insta locked.
    Any good wisp players i should check out? fadi or n0tail etc?
    should a 'solo queue wisp' be stacking the jungle for the pinoy 'me mid' hero, and rushing bottle in turn regening the mid hero.
    Or should wisp be farming his own stacks for the faster levels and faster mek and or armlet
    Item builds?
    skill builds, alot of pros i see go 1-0-1 at lvl 2, and go on a huge dive, overcharge seems pretty dope as opposed to balls at lvl 2 if you can dive.

    I understand the dire jungle pattern going medium + hard stack and clearling both med camps untill lvl 3+ then clearing hard camp stack, but how does one do this on radiant?

    Does wisp belong back in the meta? or why did he phase out.
    Alot of 5v5 deathballs counters wisp to a point, however wisp is a pretty good perma fighting hero, so it works out well, especially when you can be fighting 3v5 and 2 hero farming to out eco them.

    Would you die for your russian sven with 20mins of farm at 40mins? Should you always be self sacrificing.
    normally i would, 100% of the time.. however it does get abit disheartening watching your sven stun creeps or tiny combo the range creep.


      if u want to grind solo mmr with Io, you can check Mikushiru or FadiFlash


        wisp is dope, ill get the wisp expert to comment, gimme a sec


          fuckin wisp pickers...


            First of you, if you want to win games and increase your MMR, you should change your attitude towards your team-mates and be nicer, even if they are too bad to be playing Dota.
            About your questions, there are many ways to play Wisp, you should decide which role you want to play it.
            Would you want to dual mid and stack for your mid hero+heal him+support him? Then stack for him.
            Would you like to jungle wisp like Guardians does? Then stack for yourself and farm them with your spirits at level 3. (You can see a guide on how to Jungle IO, but I do not recommend that... wisp is all about using one of the most op level 1 skill (tether) and do action very early game)
            About the skill/item builds, I explained it in my IO video guide, you can check it out ( Gave a lot of good tips there as well, you might find it very useful )
            Video link:
            About stacking and clearing on Radiant, it's basically the same as in stacking for "Tiny" in a tiny wisp game, but instead of cutting trees using tether, you simply go cut trees using a Quelling blade before game starts (00:00) and then you'll have a path for both camps and you will be able to double stack them easily.
            Dying for a bad player is not a good idea, if you promised a "sven+wisp" combo but he is too bad and under-farmed, then stick to someone else. Like the mid or the offlane (Depends on the heroes)


              thank me later op

              Elo - Hell

                Ayo, cheers for the response brotown.

                yeah i find wisp to be a great way to stomp games..... If my mid is 5k and has basic understanding of how the game works, however wisp becomes close to impossible when your mid is in the 4k bracket and doesn't understand how to play with a wisp, even with guidance.

                i find there really isn't a sweet spot to stand and jungle wisp on radiant where the balls are constantly sweeping through the stack instead of passing though, unless i'm missing something... maybe using the pullthrough med camp and the hardcamp?

                I litterally just finished watching that guide you put out, great content... it seems you like skipping boots, that to me looks like a death wish though, but im all ears.

                Also, do you prioritise the rune or the stack? cause in most games you can only choose one

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  lmfao you two

                  waku waku

                    le balanced blue ball
                    best comes in packs of two

                    < blank >

                      Is this Necrolyte and Wisp combo any viable?


                        the average mmr of comments' authors on this thread was insane
                        b4 memelover came


                          @2nd mid player
                          yeah, it is, even tho it requires a certain playstyle; and overall its quite risky and pick-dependant.

                          the realm's delight

                            vroksnak can u kill urself thanks


                              @Morgan freefarm You have a spot BEHIND the big camp, where you will be on a hill and killing the stack using your spirits without getting hit. Exactly where you place the famous uphill ward besides the big camp. I hope you know what I'm talking about, because I barely understand myself sometimes :D
                              And about clearing your small camp, you will have to walk while microing your spirits. Go on the hill and start microing + run away from them, etc etc... and when spirits are about to explode, get close to them + spirits closest to you and boom, stack is gone.
                              Hard to explain without showing exactly, but I hope you got it.

                              Edit: If nobody is securing the rune for you, then go for the rune. It's more important to refill your bottle and supply your partner with HP+MP rather than stacking.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                Im surprised wisp has no aghs upgrade.

                                < blank >

                                  double tether coming soon with Zet

                                  Elo - Hell

                                    yeah nah that makes sense, if you hug the ward spot.
                                    if by small camp, you mean the camp closest to the tower, yeah, i can kill med camps pretty easily with a bit of micro. but previously i was clearing that hard camp with like 5 sets of spirits and it would take years :P haha, nice to know there is a sweet spot for it.

                                    in 1k games, surely you'd have played some wisp mid solo, im assuming you would still follow standard wisp build? or would you go something cheesy like dagon or armlet


                                      in 1k games I would rush rapier.


                                        fadiflashi professional vlogger


                                          I think op was referring to your 1k+ games with wisp, not to playing in 1k mmr :/


                                            rofl, he didnt understood that. haha fadi you dumbass.


                                              I actually wrote my comment and went outside, the moment I got into the car I was like "Oh... fck" xDDD
                                              Sorry guys!! Please forgive my misunderstanding!!!!!
                                              And yes, I would go for the same build. It's literally the best :D
                                              @Stammis YEAH BOY!!!

                                              Sexo Meister


                                                Man how do you get 70% wr with 1k match wisp?????

