General Discussion

General DiscussionPugna?

Pugna? in General Discussion

    What are your thoughts about Pugna??

    Build? Counters? Viable hero in this meta? Tips? Tricks?

    Just want to know your view on this hero so I can eventually improve my Pugna skills, since I really love the hero.

    Dire Wolf

      you need to play him like a pusher. A lot of pugna's try to carry mid, build dagon and shit, get a lot of kills but then don't kill towers. He's really only valuable as a pusher and a counter to heroes with high mana cost spells. He is a poor support as he needs items to make him more durable. Probably best as a mid, make space for other carries with pushing.


        Such a good lina/sky counter though


          He is mostly a counter pick hero. If the other team picks heroes with high mana consumption (other then Storm) you just grab pugna and get a free win. He is also good against stuff like CK/Specter/Naga since with aghs he can insta kill their illusions. Basically just make aghs on him and mobility/survivability (force/blink/glimmer/BKB/GhostScepter) and maybe 1 mana item. Also don't ever play him as a 5 or a 1 that shit is silly.


            The hero is good right now id say 4-1-4 ult at 6-11-16 and instead of getting stupid dagons just go for GG boots. His mana pool is huge and you farm all t1 so easily. Mek is the way to go. Aghs right after if they dont have lots of stuns.

            Later when you push highground you just sit behind your team, put down netherward and heal your carry/cores with greaves and ult. Works well with dazzle.

            Farming Simulator

              As it has already been said, awesome pusher/support.
              Some people think of him as a carry nuker, mute these people on sight.
              Dagon is very very situational on him and in most cases useless.
              Think of it, if your teams main dd's do physical dmg, and you decrepify the target just because you want to dagon him, your main dd wont be able to hit him... which sucks. Superb counter to CK and TB once he has aghanims, instant destruction of ilus.
              Otherwise, even with zero cd its easy to stun him so his ulti is hard to maintain for a long time.

              Giff me Wingman

                Pugna is decent. Push hard, get fast mek, 5man end game. ez pts

                in a nutshell, he is a slightly different version of SF.

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                  I play Pugna as a nuker, but I am not doing dagon. Get Agh, Veil, Force staff and give rekt other team

                  Giff me Wingman

                    I would be impressed if you play pugna like a rightclicker.