General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions on MoM Clinkz?

Opinions on MoM Clinkz? in General Discussion

    MoM + your Q is insane damage output early game.

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        MoM + orchid then?


          mom would be fine until they realize you have a mom and kill you first because you dont have any survivability.

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              ^ holy fuck how has medallion clinkz never occurred to me before, I must be both retarded and living under a rock. that shit makes so much sense.


                ^ After Solar crest got added into the game Clinkz became so strong (IMO) only had success so far with Clinkz using having solar crest/orchid/deso.


                  MoM won't work because you don't have the mana to sustain that many casts of searing arrows - strafe puts a huge strain on your pool as it is

                  the movespeed doesn't really matter for you since if enemies get out of range in a pickoff you can't catch up without blink

                  neither does clinkz need the sustain since his ult functions as a pseudo-heal


                    ^ That's why you always get a soul ring.

                    So far I've actually never had mana problems with clinkz.

                    Movement speed with your E once it's level 4 I believe is 503 MS, with MoM you can get 522, it's not much but still I've had times where I managed to get away because I had 522 ms.

                    + As I said then get orchid or something so you have high mana regen + high mana pool.

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                      soul ring alone barely sustains his mana pool with religious tread switching

                      if you add in MoM his mana pool 100% won't support it

                      also orchid is generally a pretty bad item on him now

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                          Can someone explain to me why "Orchid is a bad item for him" ? Especially playing against antimage.

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                              But assuming i can get Orchid fast is it viable ? I always though that getting Clinkz as an offlane "ganker-like" role focued on fucking up AM farm was only legit with orchid.

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                              Livin' Real Good

                                Wow, I learned a lot from this thread. MoM seems so bad on him though, he's already squishy at is, I can only imagine him using MoM, a Lina with AGS seeing that, and just walking up and ulting him for some reason. lol Helm of the Dominator makes more sense than MoM to be honest.

                                Medallion works well like someone above said too, it's everything clinkz is looking for in an item, and now with introduction of Solar Crest (like someone else said) it's all the more sweeter :D

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                                Miku Plays

                                  euls clinkz new meta gotta go fast


                                    Before TA, gyro, Les, BS, bone is the ultimate grand papa of carry. It is sad to see his downfall.

                                    On topic, if you want lifesteal, HOTD is a much better choice. You can dominate and eat creep for more imba damage.

                                    On item build, orchid/BKB should still be the way to go...


                                      the idea is not that bad, actually
                                      worth a try


                                        After some thinking, I recalled that there were a time when people said that MOM is shit on Sniper, Drow and SF, until they experienced it in game on how fast they are being killed by MOM Sniper/Drow/SF. These MOM Sniper/Drow/SF then proceed to snowball and grab BKB and more damage item to end the game.

                                        However, the problem with bone is that he does not has the range to abuse MOM like sniper. He does not need IAS like Drow and SF because strafe had been buffed repeatedly and the additional DPS you derived from MOM IAS is really not worth the cost as far as DPS is concerned.

                                        So the questions are then how cost-efficient is it in providing DPS for Bone (considering he has strafe)? And whether there are any additional strategy that can be derived from MOM. I will not talk about cost-efficiency as this can be computed easily and I believe there are much cost-efficient items out there (feel free to disprove me with numbers). Therefore, I will focus on additional strategies.

                                        If you are talking about jungle bone after laning stage, whereby bone farm at opponent nc all day long and snipe/gank lone target and split push occasionally, MOM allow you to clear NC at an incredible rate. It also allow you to save strafe for teamfight/ganking/ratting. MOM+strafe+searing arrow also allow you to take down tower at an amazing rate mid game (think of WR and you get the idea) when the chance arise.

                                        But is it better than midas soul ring for jungling? I am not so sure. And is it better than playing him as an active roamer/ganker with orchid? I am not so sure. Of course you can still roam/gank with MOM. But orchid really allow you to take down those irritating support quickly. Also, he lack lock-down and an early game diffusal can do wonder in ganks as well as helping to purge off dust. There is also the mana issue with MOM+Strafe+searing arrow.

                                        In conclusion, I think MOM is viable, but only in very niche situation.


                                          deso for pushing, orchid for ganking, Daedalus for fighting and MoM for dying