General Discussion

General Discussionlich Lol

lich Lol in General Discussion
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      @unrequited that was my point - his 200 magical damage nuke isn't really much use late game whereas a stun is always helpful.

      Dire Wolf

        Ogre is extremely tanky late with just a few items, at level 16 with just aghs and veil he has 2041 hp with 19.73 armor. Compare that to say jakiro (who probably won't build as tanky shit as aghs + veil either) he only has 1300 something and 13 armor, which is like 1000 ehp difference.

        But anyway, even if lich falls off, maybe he's the support version of viper then, still a good hero.

        ROAD TO HERALD 0

          Yeah, i think it's clear to many of us that orge would have greater survivability compared to most of the other commonly used support heroes. Assuming he isnt 1 or 2 shotted and dies instantly at the start of a team fight, all that hp and armor from his superior strength gain and itemization should have a positive effect on his damage output over the course of the entire team fight.

          I.e the longer he survives, the more (multicasted) fireblasts and ignites he gets to throw out. And if he survives the entire duration of the team fight, his total damage / stun / slow output is likely to exceed the likes of cm, jak, even lich.

          And yes rockie, I know a stun would be more helpful than 200 damage late game, but by that time, the frost blast is not about the damage. It's slowing the target so someone else can get in range to use another skill.

          A team can have both disablers (eg lion, shadow shaman) and straight-up nukers (lina, lich), no harm done.