General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes Winrate really matter on smurf account?

Does Winrate really matter on smurf account? in General Discussion

    My Acc suddenly got a losing streak with a winrate of 45% can i still get 4k+ or with it ?


      Man you just gotta perform, win/lose/draw if you play well during calibration you will own it and might even break the calibrator if you're good enough! I knew a guy who didn't even get calibrated until his 22nd game due to breaking it on his account, he ended up with 5.1k or so and is now in 7ks


        So i just get good on calibration while my normal match wr aint good?


          yeah i manage to calibrate high when doing bad buy just buying as many fucking wards as possible and dewarding


            yes, it does, but it does not directly represent ur hidden nnr. u can have 50% winrate on 100 games and have either 1k or 4k mmr.


              @triplesteal- look at mine past weeks I manage to have 50% wr stable but after some days got team and enemy abandon and my team leaves then i suddenly my wr went down to 43% now even


                what do u want from me? i dont understand ur english.


                  @triplesteal- I just wanted to ask if is wr more important than kda


                    if u lose too much ofc u will drop.


                      winrate is more important than KDA


                        asdasdasdsdadsdsdasdassad god