General Discussion

General DiscussionBad statistics

Bad statistics in General Discussion
Sorry for -25 ^_^

    Hey,can u guys remove low priority games from stats or at least move all random games to "not significant"?Please,i even gonna buy a plus if u do that.
    Im losing 1+% of winrate and much of kda on some heroes coz of it

    Riguma Borusu


      the realm's delight

        +, having lp games count on winrate makes 0 sense

        < blank >

          Don't end in LP, it really isn't that hard

          Sorry for -25 ^_^

            lol,i think its not funny at all.
            For example,i have 27 games in summ on zeus with 81% wr and 21 games+86% wr on all pick.I think its rly shouldnt be.On all random my team usually feed.

            < blank >

              If it bothers you that much, make a 2nd account

              Riguma Borusu

                "On all random my team usually feed."

                There's actually greater chance the other team will feed more, if you don't feed yourself. It's the same story with "those scrubs are holding me back, I cant rise in mmr!!!11"


                  ^ that makes zero sense whatsoever

                  < blank >

                    ^ Are you playing roaming Alchemist or jungle?

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Statistically, it makes perfect sense. If you are in LPQ, you're with 9 other people who are also in LPQ. There's a chance in every game there's gonna be a feeder or two. Or three. Still, if you do not feed yourself, chances are, you are going to have less feeders in your team. If you consistently DO feed, chances are, statistically you're going to have more feeders in your team.

                      < blank >

                        Pseudo-random distribution added.

                        Sorry for -25 ^_^

                          Im usually afk in a low priority.Why i should play useless 5 games for no reason coz retards reported me for something.It makes no sense

                          I played alch as jungler when im a bit bored and i cant get a core role when im highest mmr,unfortunately my team cant win even 4v4 99% games and mine 7 mins mom+10 mins midas not working at all.

                          < blank >

                            I asked Arin, but you lost because A) You went for Midas and B) you got a MoM

                            Sorry for -25 ^_^

                              ^ lol.I dont care.It was a first pick.I cant go farm/mid when in 5200 on a 4700 avg.That players shouldnt win.Ok.If its wrong can u pls say what should i buy when im jungling on a slow-farmer and i need fast lvl 16?Mom/armlet/midas/bf/mael is best decisions but bf is too expensive,mael not giving anything alch need?


                                idk why are people arguing lpp should clearly not be included in statistics.


                                  like most lpp are normal/high skill anw and hence a free win, the question is whether you can be bothered wasting 25min farming it or not

                                  < blank >

                                    If you go jungle Alchemist go for a HotD you will farm much faster with the creep tanking for you and giving you aura but don't let the creep last hit or you won't get the bonus gold.

                                    Sorry for -25 ^_^

                                      ^lol.How much mmr do u have?Alch havr a trash stats to farm,all he has is a acid spray but he have low manapool.U shouldnt buy a HoD when u not gonna buy a bf.Why i need creep to tank if i have full hp even without ult coz of lifesteal from HoD?Armlet+mom is a best combo for any str hero to both fighting and farming for its price.

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                                      < blank >

                                        There you might be right but have you considered that you can stack camps with the HotD? You also went for shitty Midas and not Armlet^^


                                          @aimstrong mid

                                          i have to figure that hero out and practice with him but 12 minute treads qb bottle radiance is fucking ridiculous
                                          i'm pretty bad at the hero now bot i will practice with him a bit

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            @ sven
                                            it makes zero sense because lpq games are something absolutely different than normal matches
                                            because the goal isn't to win but to end as fast as possible
                                            so if you're not feeding while others on your team do, you're a moron


                                              ^someone has to win the game to end, if you're going against the probability and don't feed, you'll win. just pick something that can kill the entire base solo. or don't land in LP lmao

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                but why would you struggle and end in 40th min when you can end in 10th
                                                as i said, the goal is to end asap, not winning

                                                the people thinking otherwise usually get reported anyway