General Discussion

General DiscussionHow To Counter Riki In Pub?

How To Counter Riki In Pub? in General Discussion

    I have trouble whenever the opponent picks Riki... Not that I win some of them but he becomes a real nuisance as the game progresses... I am fairly new to Dota and can play OK with Viper, Silencer and Lich...

    Any suggestion on Counter Hero pick, Item pick will be very much appreciated to counter Riki hard and shut him down completely




        Bounty Hunter (hero)

        Sentries/Dusts/Gem/Necro 3 (Items)


          Thanks a lot.... do you have a link to a guide or an explanation how bounty shuts down riki most efficiently? I haven't played Bounty so may be I need to add it to my hero pool ASAP


            go as 5 + detection


              Well riki is shit in 5v5 clashes since he is pretty squishy early, most people go treads into a dif and then start roaming around.
              You need to predict when he will be around, develope that sense. TBH, I dont see that hero too often. People pick it for offlane. If start is good he will proceed to get couple of kills. But after he gets couple of kills, it is important not to give him even more cause he will just get out of hand and it is quick lose. YOu know get dusts, sentries, go on him and kill him couple times after that he is done.


                pick abbadon get tranquils magic wand gem. tell your team to go together and push towers / take rosh.

                riki is good at pnunishing farming and split up play but he is garbage in teamfights. pick supports that dont feed him and jsut punish this really weak pick by not letting him get big. vs invis heros the loss of mapcontrole will oftentimes result in a big outfarm which can also loose u the game (nyx gondar TECHIE stuff also rly good at acomplishign that) so take towers early and keep the mapcontrole with both obs and sentries.
                Use dust if enemy uses invis ability to escape.
                Use sentry if enemy uses invis as a way to intate.
                Put sentry on ground at jungle entrance. let invis ganker garbagetier hero walk towards u. spot him under sentry. take his killing spree whatever. ez game.

                pick a core that goes necrobook (u can do it on your silencer) and make a rly quick necro 3. when its up go together to a lane tell your allys to join u and push tower. the necro warrior 3 gives truesight and will path your way.

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  Thank so much for the tips :)

                  I will use Silencer and Necro as you adviced


                    i love slardar to counter the riki. :)

                    the true sight and amplify damage -armor oh god riki just melted in 3-4 hits with stuns


                      slardar damage so damn hurt that i don't wanna amplied by him

                      Welt aus Eis

                        picking heroes that are hard to kill like abbadon wont do you any good, as you wont learn how to play against riki, he will just ignore you and go for your teammates
                        you need to learn to have map awareness and know where to be and how to move. sometimes its better to stay under tower or to avoid being alone

                        Welt aus Eis

                          tl;dr youre still a beginner, you should try to learn the game instead of going for easy wins



                            The nooby hero by definition, Riki is surprisingly successful in pubs. I even tried to play him myself a while ago just to see how bad people are at countering him, and...since that time, I can proudly say that Riki is my most successful hero with a 90% winrate :)
                            So clearly people have no clue on how to deal with him. Actually the worst of all are the people who say "just buy sentry wards and he's useless". Well, no, it's not that simple. Obviously to counter him you need invisbility detection. But it's not enough. Permanent Invisibility is only one of his skills, and it's also arguably his weakest skill. Let's see the details:


                            Can jump on you at any time with invisibility. You can't safely solo farm or even jungle without the risk of being ganked.
                            Good ganker and chaser. With the right items ( Diffusal Blade, Skull Basher or Sange and Yasha), he's really good at picking off single heroes.
                            Very high damage output with Backstab, but only if you try to run away from him (if you fight him head-on, he hardly deals any damage however).
                            Has one of the best AOE disables in the game : Smoke Screen. For an insane 6-second duration, it prevents you from attacking AND casting spells, and it even slows movement and attack speed. Forget his invisibility, Smoke Screen is by far his strongest ability, and this skill is the only reason why Riki still gets some (extremely rare) picks in competitive - he's just picked as a utility hero simply to have access to this skill, because it counters escape heroes like Anti-Mage.

                            Extremely weak lane presence. You can easily harass him to prevent him from getting ANY farm. You can even harass him out of experience range.
                            Deals almost no damage if you turn on him and manfight him instead of trying to run away
                            Countered by any kind of invisibility detection : Dust of Appearance, Sentry Ward, Gem of True Sight, Necronomicon
                            Silences disable his invisibility (e.g Orchid Malevolence)
                            Weak in teamfights. Essentially, if he gets revealed and your whole team starts focusing him, he can't do anything. He can't manfight you and he can't escape.
                            Hard countered by Monkey King Bar, which allows you to attack him under Smoke Screen.
                            Note : Black King Bar also blocks Smoke Screen completely.
                            Riki is hard countered by getting specific items. This is why Riki drops off completely past a certain point in the game (no matter how much farm he has), because once your team gets the items that counter him, he becomes useless in teamfights for the rest of the game. He's a good ganker throughout the game because his damage scales very well, but if you counter him with items, he just can't carry - you will ALWAYS win late-game teamfights against him.

                            How to counter:

                            Before he hits level 6, you should pressure him as much as you can. Harass him in lane, and ask your mid to gank him as much as you can. He should be going back to base a lot, even die a few times. If he isn't, you're doing something wrong.
                            When he hits level 6, he will start ganking the other lanes. Notify your team immediately (a simple "riki level 6" does the job). At this moment, ALL your lanes should buy Sentry Wards and place them immediately to prevent him from ganking. If you stop him at that moment, he can't really do much.
                            Get Dust of Appearance on every hero. It doesn't matter if you are a carry, a support, anything, just carry dust wherever you're going. Invisibility is NOT an escape mechanism, make sure to remind him of this at every occasion.
                            Necronomicon 3 is in my opinion the hardest Riki counter in the game. Necro 3 is a very underrated item against invisible heroes. Necro 3 gives you 40 seconds of True Sight. It's like a gem...without the risk. Besides, Necro is the standard pushing item in the game, and 5-man pushing counters Riki very hard already.
                            Having a Necronomicon in your team means that Riki cannot rely on his invisibility in teamfights anymore. Summon your necros before the teamfight starts and focus him down.
                            Force Staff and Ghost Scepter will save your life if you are a support. Force Staff is especially good because it allows you to push people (or yourself) out of Smoke Screen.
                            If you are a carry, Monkey King Bar is a HUGE help. Riki relies completely on his Smoke Screen to do anything, and you get a massive advantage against him if you can counter it. Walking out of Smoke Screen is not an option because he will just Backstab you. Your only choice is to fight him under Smoke Screen, and MKB allows you to do this. Black King Bar blocks smoke too, if you get smoked in a teamfight, don't run away, pop your BKB and fight back.
                            Disables and silences. Scythe of Vyse and Orchid Malevolence are great pickups, especially since you can still use them when you are silenced by Smoke Screen.
                            Radiance is not the hardest counter, but it allows you to "see" him when he is in the burn radius. You see a "shadow" of him that you can't target, but this should be your cue to use Dust of Appearance on him.
                            Gank him! Riki is a very easy target for ganks. When you see him solo farming a lane, just use revelation and kill him, he has no way of escape.
                            If all else fails, then 5-man Dota is the way to go. Grab a Gem of True Sight or summon your Necronomicons, and start 5-man pushing. He can't do *anything* against this.

                            A few counters:
                            Bounty Hunter and Slardar. Their ultimates reveal invisibility for a long time.
                            But then, so does Dust of Appearance, so you don't really need that :)
                            Zeus. Lightning Bolt gives true sight for 4.5 seconds, on a 6 seoond cooldown -> you can reveal him 3/4 of the time by spamming it anywhere on the ground!
                            Doom Bringer. 15 seconds of silence which reveals him + huge damage.
                            Silencer. His combo Global Silence + Last Word silences (reveals) him for 12 seconds non-stop AND disarms him for the last 6 seconds. Add an Orchid Malevolence so you can do it at will (orchid + last word). And then laugh when you see he has 75 maximum mana :)
                            Faceless Void. His Chronosphere reveals invisibility, and seeing how squishy he is, you should kill him whenever you use your chrono. You still need MKB though.
                            Lycan. Possibly the only carry on which building a Necronomicon makes sense. Shapeshift allows your Necronomicon units to chase Riki with maximum movement speed, providing permament true sight on him, and dealing huge damage, all while chainstunning him with Skull Basher. GG Lycan OP.
                            Dark Seer, Nature's Prophet, doom bringer, Enigma... : when it comes to farming utility items as fast as possible, these guys are probably the best at it. Rush that Necrobook, group up your team, and push! Early push strategies make Riki useless : he can't gank anything if you group up early.
                            (Furion actually does really well against Riki. Just push with your team and not alone. My personal favorite anti-Riki build on Furion is Necronomicon + Eye of Skadi, this way Riki gets slowed and revealed permanently by Necro units)
                            Naga Siren. Her Ensnare disables him for 5 (!!) seconds, and reveals his invisibility. Makes him a really easy kill...
                            Lone Druid. His entangle disables Riki for 3 seconds and reveals his invisibility. Also a pretty tanky hero who can manfight Riki without difficulty. Besides, Radiance, Skull Basher and Monkey King Bar are pretty common items to build on the bear in the first place.
                            Meepo! Earthbind locks him in place and prevents him from becoming invisible for...10 seconds! (with 5 Meepos)
                            Luna / Dragon Knight / Gyrocopter / Sven/ any good teamfight-oriented carry. The strategy is pretty simple : get your Monkey King Bar/ Black King Bar, and win teamfights.
                            Beastmaster : long stun? Check. Necronomicon core item? Check. Add in a 35% slow from his boar. Roar him, and send your private army on him, there's no escape possible.
                            Bristleback. Never tried it in practice but it sounds awesome on paper :)

                            But seriously, you don't need to counterpick that little prick, just get a Force Staff or two, get Monkey King Bars and/or Black King Bars on your carries, get mass Necronomicon 3, go push with your team, and watch him become completely useless.

                            How to counter video

                            This game is a great example on how to counter Riki simply by grouping up and pushing. It shows perfectly well that as soon as you have 2 Necronomicons, Riki becomes useless. And why Lycan is the best pick if you want to make Riki pickers rage :P "

                            Taken from

                            Should tell you everything you need to know.

                            saving private RTZ

                              ^ silences dont disable invisibility anymore....


                                that guide is great for 3k and below

                                anyone who actually knows how to play riki will laugh at that

                                bounty is in fact quite weak against riki

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  Thanks for taking the trouble to post the guide... It will help me counter that pest I hope


                                    I like Oracle versus Riki because you can disarm him so easily. Stun/nuke him and then follow up with Fate's Edict and he dies so quickly to right clicks.

                                    plz do

                                      next to the obvious, the obvious (i think some of these things havnt been mentioned before): bkb, blademail, ghost scepter, glimmer cape(better than force staff nowadays), mekanism/guardiang., solar crest,... (possibly shadow blade/silver edge in low tier games).

                                      plz do

                                        oh wait, i didnt read ur actual post, just the headline.
                                        yeah, pick slardar or bounty hunter.. at ur level the rikis might not even use their diffusial on themselves..


                                          there are a bunch of rightclickers of more or less same type (pa, slark, riki, etc.), and theey are heavily countered by mobility items on ur supports, in the first place. glimmer, euls, ghosts, force staffs, blinks and proepr teamplay make riki unplayable.

                                          saving private RTZ

                                            Go togheter as a team, 5 man early, push early, gain an advantage. Dont let him get solo kills, put some wards + sentries on basic routes he might searh for ganks like in your jungle, runes spot, ancients etc.

                                            idk, many underestimate Riki lategame which might be surprising but its solid, huge armor, very high dps if he backstabs. He is kind of like antimage, is pretty good at solo pickoffs, blink> abyssal> smoke and hit enemy from the back, they melt pretty fast. His smoke is good as well

                                            he lacks pushing power tho, so lategame i think rats will beat him if his team lacks pushing as well.

                                            The reason why everyone underestimates his lategame IMO is bcuz games with riki involved going lategame usually means that he couldnt snowball so as riki is pretty bad at farming anything but heroes he is usually underfarmed especially as most players dont understand that the guy is still a carry/semi-carry needs item, so instead of farming they search for pickoffs, and when enemy is smart he doesnt gets anything which leads to him being irrelevant.

                                            6slotted tho, he is pretty stronk imo.

                                            So yea , general idea is learn to play against him, try to stick togheter, preferably have a lineup that can 5 man early, sentries and wards up on the map so you can prevent getting ganked, also try to see if u can set up a gank and kill him

                                            IMO i dont fully agree that he gets heavily punished by forcestaffs, ghost scepter as he still has diffusal to purge scepter and 6 charges on blink so sticking up on a target its not much big of a problem at least in my exp

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                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                              Good sentry ward placements and 5-manning. If you know his movements your team can pick him off yourselves, and you don't wanna walk far from your team unless you're tanky and he can't cancel your tp or you have anti-smoke items (force staff (depending on your hero), bkb, mkb, blademail, (unless he has bkb or more health than you), eul+tp (unless he bkb or bashes you the last second of your tp) kinda glimmer and ghost (he can dust your glimmer and purge your ghost, so depends on his items).

                                              He has very low health early, but high armour and also rarely will rush a bkb, so magic/pure damage bursty heroes are pretty good at shutting him down. Zeus is perfect since he has good burst damage with lightning bolt (that also reveals him) and global dust. If you think Riki is sneaking around your jungle or something, you can pop your ult and if correct your team can often pick him off yourselves.

                                              Also he's pretty weak at farming jungle unless he goes something like mom, so if you don't see him farming a lane for a while you should be wary of him roaming and try to have someone near you who can help if he tries to gank. Always keep a watch of where he's farming, so you know where is safe to go alone.

                                              This hero has very weak laning as well since they made blink strike an ultimate, so if you go an aggressive duo or trilane you can destroy him pretty hard.

                                              yung griphook

                                                buy wards continuously throughout the game, get a gem later on if you have a good gem carrier. He also doesn't do well against 5-man, so try and group to push towers/ team fight. Also, don't fight him in his smoke cloud, you will miss all of your attacks.

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