General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i reach a higher skill bracket?

how do i reach a higher skill bracket? in General Discussion

    i'm currently on my smurf account at lvl 14, i don't want to play ranked because i know my hidden mmr isn't that high to begin with, and i have seen that almost all my games are of the 'normal' skill bracket, any suggestions on what i should do to increase my hidden mmr? maybe spam phantom lancer and storm or should i play support. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


      spamming strong meta heroes will probably help a little bit but I wont make you any better at dota, it will just inflate your MMR


        hidden mmr at this point works same way as "normal" mmr, so there is no point in posponing calibration
        also, mmr reflects your skill (as long as it is not 6k+), stop trying to find easy solutions. you will get higher ranked when you become a better player, and that's it.

        Riguma Borusu

          Play better.


            You're future 2k trash, congratulations!

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                2k scrublord here: Welcome to your new home.


                  Maybe get better?

                  First step:

                  Use hotkeys. Do not click on spells with your mouse. You are welcome.

                  saving private RTZ

                    ^ im pretty sure even 1k players wluse hotkeys. At least my 1k friends do lol


                      No shit? Sarcsm is hard lesson to learn...

                      saving private RTZ

                        Are you the guy on your profile picture?


                          I don't think a shubby wannabe ganster 1$ clothes would be confident enough to put up a picture of himself.


                            For sure. I have no real mirror at home and I like this blue trainingdress. Me fat retarded Anatoli..

                            I mean, common. Who would call himself anatoli and look like this AND use the picture (ok, a real anatoli could do so).


                            This was my last picture. I named myself Oleg back then.


                            This is where I got the fat dudes picture. Holzrusse is a german term for a typical russian (retarded) male.


                              I just have 46% win rate, but i replaced on high skill or very high skill bracket


                                Anatoli you look like the typical ugly Russian arrogant guy that no one really likes or will ever care about.


                                  ^Who did you replace there DJSU?

                                  Anatoli don't mind the haters too much I bet ALLU is way dumber than you and ZeroRemorse is yelling at others from normal bracket because he hates himself so yeah who cares.

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                                    average kebab enjoyer

                                      Oh lol, der Post über Holzrussen hat mich komplett in 'nen Lachfilm geschossen, danke dafür! <3