But she is OP though, her and Lina are pretty braindead, they're one of the few characters in the game who were originally suppose to be "support" now everyone plays them core, same thing with Leshrac. Keep buffing supports, then at this rate, were gonna see core Mirana (we already do, but not the extent of Lina and Wind ranger) and who knows.... Dota 2 6.87, " core venge. "
I want supports to be good... but it's starting to become like.... why play Lich.. when i can play Lina support who can basically do it all besides AOE ult... The only reason ES and them are used is cause of the team fight AOE meta... But if this ever became a ganking meta (wher team fight ults like ES won't matter)with slark, riki, ect.. I'd just use Lina and wind ranger support all day if cores were already picked and i don't feel like supporting 100%... Seriously Lina is THAT good.... I could be dirt poor cause of me stuck being the only support as Lina, and Euls would be all i need to rape another support in one combo, or even squishy carrys like sniper.. Eventually were gonna have a meta (a non team fight one) where cores matter, but supports who can transition into cores when they need (for more damage and carry power) to will matter even more.
yeah, i love slayer. go slayer! he rules. in the zone. you dont wanna mess with him! i love memes. they call me meme master. slayer (slayer slayer slayer) i love memes. memes rock. slayer rules. un-friggin-believable. its andy salad and i'm. killing this meme track. face full of balls! go slayer! infinity slayer. when i'm on the mountain. KILIMANJARO. I'm drivin by you. SUNDAY DRIVER. im gonna kill you i am andy salad. take me on the jam. ROCKET SCIENTIST.
Remember when i said core Venge? Waga is playing core venge mid on stream right now, speak of the devil. XD
i've gotten carried by a windranger so many times but whats the problem with just running her mid?
Hehehe hehehehe Slaye-he-heher Ahahaha HAIL MARY I love Slayer ha-ha-ha he's so funny Slayer he-he yeaahh STOP SHOOTING YOUR TEAMMATES I love you slayer Ha its andy salad brrroom DENIED I love memes I love memes I love meeemmmeesss YOU SUCK I love memesss SLAYYYYYYEEEEERRRRRRRRRR
she can most certainly do position 1 but since she's independent better give her mid, giv safe lane to someone who actually needs baby sitting. And yes, with proper items she's a very scary carry, a glass cannon, but nonetheless the most dangerous glass cannon. She eats spectres and voids for breakfast (if she gets the jump first on them of course). pl, tb, etc. however can easily shit on her tho
She can get farm and win a mid or offlane. Safe lane it's kind of a waste, she's overqualified for that. Maybe if you solo the safe to run a jungle and dual off or something.
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what's your thought about position one windrunner? it seems he hit so hard with aghanims and mkb only. can focus fired someone in shackles duration. 100% evasion. and many more