General Discussion

General Discussionis Drow a meta breaker?

is Drow a meta breaker? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Silence crushes all those am, storm, lesh pickers early. Am will manta out later but he is food in jungle with just a battlefury. Good push on drow so enemy team can't farm too much or get too ahead. Good physical dmg and range, very anti caster cus they won't run up on you and drop your ulti. Anyway I've just won a couple recent drow games vs some Ams and it seemed like a good counter, but hey small sample.


      She's a good hero when given the farm and is ahead of the other team. But when behind or being shut down by a PL or PA she becomes useless really quick.


        Mid-late game is gonna be tough tho. Nothing is going to prevent all these melee carries run on you with bkb on.


          Drows just dumpster hero for kids like B-god :cheeky:

          On an extremely serious note, why the fuck would you pick Drow instead of Huskar? They do the same job in this patch, expect Huskar is fuckin manly and can nearly 1v5 the enemy team 12-15minutes into the game.


            What happens when you pick drow sub 5k.

            - First pick drow
            - "ahhh cool bruh lets do a drow strat"
            - 5 man team is all ranged weak ass ranged hero.
            - enemy team picks sb/storm/riki/pa
            - ???
            - profit





                And storm as 5th 😀




                    nice try benao

                    Dire Wolf

                      uh I didn't say fp drow. If they have a spirit breaker or sven or some shit don't pick her, but PA is never picked anymore. She's good vs a lot of popular heroes is all.


                        drow lineup has to have a range carry and tank offlaner or tank frontliner carry and range offlane. Or whatever, frontliners for drow, some tanky shit and if not mobile and dmg soaker, shit that survives for a while

                          Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                            see i told you his lane sucks

                            casual gamer

                              drow and medusa = 6 ranged heroes ez katka

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Lina walks up to squishy Drow, Laguna blade with AGS pure damage, bye bye drow. :)


                                  where you not here when i posted the 80% success against lina?

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    What are you talking about? All of those heroes will be on Drow's face all the time and she will just be useless.

                                    lm ao


                                      I lol'd XDDDDDD


                                        Drow is an amazing hero when played well. The problem with her is that you really need items to match up well against certain heroes. If you get ahead and know how to play her then you'll probably win. If you fall behind in the laning stage and can't rotate in jungle to catch up then it's a hard game. I wish they would remove the range penalty from her ultimate. It's like a double penalty. She's not very mobile to begin with and on top of that she has a range penalty.

                                        But B is right if you have the right team line up and your tank is actually willing to tank for her then she's still op.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          If she didn't have the ranged penalty on her ult she would be op, she could just get satanic and manfight every other carry. It's 80 dmg and 80 IAS, it's like a butterfly with MORE dmg.

                                          And idk why everyone thinks storm and lina are all over her nuts. If you open with shadowblade + gust they are silenced a long time and you will kill them in that window. Same with AM. The issue with AM is he gets manta and manta's out. Issue with the other guys is you need to init. But that's how drow works pretty much.


                                            ^ and What's wrong with that!?!?!?!?!?!? I could spam her ad infinitum.

                                            Yes Lina Storm or Am are weak against her if they don't have items meaning if you are ahead. If Lina has Euls if Storm has Orchid and Am has manta it's hard to initiate. Linka can Euls herself or you then counter initiate. If Storm stays close enough he can survive because you lose all your damage then turn the fight if the player is smart and AM eats drow with manta (no mana to gust). So yeah they need to get rid of that range penalty so I can just smash some pa's slarks, svens etc she will have no "natural predators"


                                              what's more probable, that storm will jump on drow, or that drow will jump on storm?
                                              it's not that difficult

                                              also bkbs shits on her, too

                                              maybe if frost arrow pierced bkb, she would be viable?

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                typical noob player^

                                                casual gamer

                                                  half the time when I play medusa plus drow I wish my drow would just sit in fountain though LOL

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Euls stun dead

                                                    Lets not even talk about storm


                                                      Another typical noob^


                                                        u really shitting on some kids now benao

                                                        Huskar and Drow is equilevant in terms of being extremely strong at the ~15min mark and wants to end the game while they have the advantage.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          I don't know why you're talking about Drow specifically, she has too many problems to be truly viable as a carry. I wonder why people don't play more Death Prophet, since she has a really good and long silence on a short cooldown, and octarine core makes her late midgame - lategame way more viable if played smart. She's basically a lesh with more cooldowns and a silence but without a stun.

                                                          I think the main issue is that core heroes that are so reliant on cooldowns have sort of fallen out of favor lately, this meta favors constant fighting and readiness.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            I apologize, i just don't like kids dragging drow down without a reason! Or what's worse, normal skill reasons when drow is super versatile.
                                                            And i have not commented on drow/huskar


                                                              @Road to 0K

                                                              what do you mean about Drow as a Viable carry? Playing Drow is a strategy on is own and isn't supposed to be played as other carries that wanna sit and farm for 90 minutes. You can't talk about Drow and think you waiting for enemy to get 6 slotted, cause with Drow you makes things happen and towers goes down.

                                                              Look at Benaos match story with Drow, all games usually ends relatively early.


                                                                I'd like to see something like drow slardar wr run, maybe put a lich with slardar off so he gets secure farm till blink. Stack agi on drow and use slardar r and suddenly wr cuts through shit like butter

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  i love these low skill players like op theory crafting on heroes that arent in the meta or whatever xd its pretty cute

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    @C9 that's pretty much what I meant, her gameplay is way different in that aspect, so while she should be a safelane farmer she's not the farming carry in the real sense. Essentially, you build a team around her, ban heroes that wreck her up, stack tons of agiility, go take towers, kill heroes, and take some more towers and end the game. She's pratctically a carry that really depends on making that lvl 6 impact, and having a lot of solo exp as soon as possible in order to start taking heroes and towers down asap. If you kill her twice early, it's often over. Drow is a niche pick when you want to pull off a very specific strategy, unlike many other meta picks which can often be fit into many team compositions and work very well, have power both early and late, etc.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I just don't agree with the assertion that all those other guys will init on drow. Why? You can't sentry everywhere. Plus if lina euls herself to break silence you have won, you can then dodge her stun and she won't have enough burst to kill you before you kill her. Drow can 3 shot her with the shadowblade dmg. Maybe if she has ult up then maybe.

                                                                      Plus even if oyu can't man fight those types you can still rat like crazy. She's flexible.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        I am not saying drow is not viable, i am saying drow is not a good hero against lesh or storm, mediocre maybe, but good ?

                                                                        and if she is, i am pretty sure is not because of the silence, both storm and lesh will have items like euls or bkb.

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          I am pretty sure the game wont end earlier than the timing of a bkb or euls on both of those heroes btw


                                                                            since you play a lot of drow

                                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                              Clinkz is probably a safer pick if you just want a strong physical carry to pickoff those heroes. He can also take towers pretty easily, but isn't as draft-dependent by your team.


                                                                                It's not like Storm wants to buy BKB nor Euls, so that's a win itself. Nor does it matter what enemy buys, cause when you pick Drow Ranger you've pretty much put your team on a time limit. Look at Benao, he knows the hero well and all his wins usually ends early as previously mentioned.

                                                                                Anything expect Lone Druid is viable in pub anyway, it's just a matter of how you play it.

                                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                                  shes pretty good ive played 3 games last 3 days and i was surprised how useful i was without alot of farm


                                                                                    Drow is a very versatile hero. It can match up pretty much against anything with the right items. But if she falls behind too far she has a hard time catching up if you can't find space to farm. You don't really need a specific draft for her although some obv compliment her and vice versa. Anything that can close a distance is a "drow counter' ta with a blink etc that is because of her ulti. Of course if you play her enough you learn how to get in better position to maintain your damage.

                                                                                    I think people don't pick her because positioning is crucial to her success and you can't just sit there and right click ppl who are running at you or blinking. Her 3rd skill is great for pushing and in my opinion underrated. Especially the more agi she has.

                                                                                    I think what people are arguing about is who will initiate first. In my opinion if you are playing drow and you are being initiated on, you have already lost.

                                                                                    I like to play her like a slarsher. Build mom and sb (glass canon build). With enough agi you can pretty much solo kill anyone fast enough to get out unless the opposing team is running around as 5 then you want to split push. The biggest thing to me that people miss with drow is that she is squishy but that's ok because she's not meant to tank damage. That's the point of playing her with her gust and slow and sb you are not supposed to man fight people but kite and kill. If you are sitting there trading punches with a jug you are not doing it right.

                                                                                    My favorite thing about her is that if played right she can pretty much win any 1 v 1 matchup mid of course this means you actually have to outplay the other player. Play mele you lvl your arrows to kite. Play range/nukers you get gust and keep them silenced. You can pretty much match up against anyone without having a ton of items early and push towers like crazy. Drow is the one mid that really punishes roamers. If pudge decides to roam because he's not getting enough out of mid you take the tower same with other mids.

                                                                                    So yeah if played right she can be a big pain in the ass for current meta heroes but sadly not too many people know how to unlock her full potential.


                                                                                      `drow is fucking free kill this patch


                                                                                        Hey guys, just wanted to say I'm gonna take a pause from dota and this forum. So hopefully I'll see you guys in a few months and not a few days x)

                                                                                        see you around


                                                                                          ok if u out of forum im fuckin out too cya after I win a TI

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            I was going casual mask into dominator/satanic cus I was the satanic for end game, then yasha, then shadowblade. I probably need sb sooner. Then manta. Drow illusions actually do good dmg with that ult. Useful for pushing.

                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              b-but .. whos gonna flame ppl now that benaos gone BibleThump


                                                                                                i can try to, but I'm not really good at flaming, so probably I gotta train a bit in advance and play some solo q matches


                                                                                                  SDUKA BLREAt IDI NAHUI PIDARASD EBANI


                                                                                                    you gotta make it look like your mouth is foaming irl


                                                                                                      whenever i type without looking at the keyboard, it results in something like you just said, so im perfectly fine with this; it doesnt even require any special effort.



                                                                                                        I was honored to support this B-God level Drow Ranger today :') #blessed