General Discussion

General DiscussionTo those who play mainly supports?

To those who play mainly supports? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Man how do you guys feel most of the time in doto ranked? I mean the warding, no money, babysitting carries u dont know, pacifying egos in team, not to mention ur always targeted first.

    Basically, hows the support life?


      i hate the kind of players that mostly pick supports and then bitch about how bad thier team is.
      pick a core and show how you can "carry" games.

      King of Low Prio

        yea usually the poor supports are the shit supports.

        Babysitting a lane = shit support
        no money = u didnt gank = shit support



          also fuck you to those "OhUwhh I'm solo support I don't give tango"

          Uhuuhuhhh "I'm solo support, I dont buy wards i need items uuuuhuh"

          FUCK YOU TO THOSE. HEhe Xd

          Forgos ☭

            I'm a support player.Mostly I spam rubick and I can say it is not that bad.I think supports can win games.Not every game but you are playing with other people in your bracket so they will be facing other people in your bracket.If you are good support and if you manage to set up kills for mid or for your carry early on even if they are not great players they will win the game.As a support player there are some moments that makes you want to flame everyone
            1-when you have 3 wards on the map and one on your inventory your carry dies and starts >we need wards.
            2-When you make a big play happen without any items and your carry cleans up the enemy team and starts flaming you for your score
            3-You sacrifice your life for your teammates and they turn back and die
            4-Players without idea of how to postion (as a support when you learn this is the key)(I'm not very good at postioning I think )
            5-People who takes another support hero and doesn'T help you with wards and take your possibility to farm
            6-People who tell you that they'll play support so you can take more greedy support but you end up being the hardest support
            7-People who doesn'T know how to last hit
            8-your carry ignores the 4 stack ancient and enemy team gets is after 10 minutes
            9-People without any tp reacation
            10-Being the most squishy hero on the team
            11-Being focused first(I mean I have played games where the enemy team used 3-4 ults to take me down because they only care about scroes)

            I think this sums it up a little.Best feeling is when your carry thanks you after the game or during the game.If you have some questions I can anwser

            PS:I'm 3.7-3.8 mmr support so don't ask detailed things :D

            plz do

              i often play support, because i tend to pick whats needed and often its pos 5. I usually start the game w a bad mindset, because i know its not gonna be fun and im just gonna flame. I have so much time as support that i observe my fellow players and see only mistakes and get mad. fuck core players. fuck them all.
              Im off feeding as am, payback time bitches.


                there is like 1 good support in 10 games

                id rather have a fucking antimage who does nothing in my lane than lion who can't pull or harass


                  It's fine. I'm rarely targeted first and when it happens it's because I angered the enemy team enough to warrant that, which means space = created.

                  It's kind of irritating when nobody in my team picks first, so I first pick a support to not lose gold and then my team procedes to pick a single hero with late game potential and still managing to have sucky mid game presence. But you just have to deal with that.


                    Supporting isn't that bad on higher levels of game. Know your role, gain map control, stay aware, position clever, utilize any single coin you can get without letting your hc/team down - a few simple rules, that will keep your life from being hell (which it will be if you have no money, die all the time etc).

                    game is bad

                      I just do all the support shit and ignore my teams.


                        We could guess it from your nickname.


                          nah he looks pretty team friendly

                          Bad Intentions

                            ^lmao those names tho :D

                            casual gamer

                              what is a massive 4k

                              how is that any different from your garden variety 4k


                                Well , most of the time i play support , since my lil brothers play off and hc , but when i play ranked or pub ,
                                even i invest the little money i can get on wards , tps . Sometimes I can get my boot till min 10 . Its horrible walk like CM ,
                                if the mid died , he said no tp response , when im the only supp and I have tp bot/top to help anyone else.
                                After that min 15 start the flaming, Smthg like u disruptor , dont have nothing, i´ve ward all the time.
                                Much of the time Teammates dont appreciate our work.
                                Practically we babysit mid , hc players , making stacks . 1 FROM dunno 500 games team say thanks for the wards , and to bodyblock to avoid me to dead etc.
                                Have u ever say thnks for a supp warding and making stacks? I think the last time someone say thanks was yesterday but after months ....
                                TO END


                                  people who moan about how hard life is as a support should just pick another core.

                                  real support relish the challenge of winning with brown boots and magic stick :)

                                  to be honest, most people aren't intelligent enough to support well and have an impact with minimal farm.


                                    i remember it when i started playing support just because my supports disappointed me in lot of my games long ago, and after that i felt that i cant trust other people anymore to support me.
                                    then i played as support a lot and yeah, i love this role.
                                    playing this role will make u feel that u must take the game under ur control. conquering all of the map with wards, roaming to gank enemy and make them feel the fear, and rescuing teammate like a guardian angel (especially with my lovely venge and also dazzle).
                                    a support is just like an event organizer who sets up the game so that the show will go smoothly and the carries are just the actors on ur stage.
                                    so, enjoy ur role if u wanna pick a support, but remember, support role can only work well if it played selflessly.

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                                    Miku Plays

                                      I hate people who say " I pick support " then whine how bad the carry hes supporting when hes not zoning the solo offlaner rofl


                                        @Hatsune Miku
                                        It is much worse when carry is on free farm and he just throws this advantage in trash bucket.

                                        Like this PA for example. His itembuild: Stout Shield => Quel. Blade => Hyperstone => Platemail => AC => Bootz... T_T


                                          I am mostly a support player (3,8k mmr and raising). Every game I try to focus on my own game, I try to help all lanes and make stuff happen granting advantage to my cores. It's really nice if the games goes well 'cause I know I was essential for my team (even tho almost no one notice that xD) , but if the game doesn't go well I don't start flaming others, I just try to understand what I did wrong and what I could have done so that the next game I would be a better support. There is really no point in flaming teammates.


                                            It's pretty annoying sometimes. Other times you get to be the annoying one.

                                            On my new account I got calibrated at very high - high skill after my first game, but man... playing as a support recently in normals is tragic.
                                            I don't mind solo supporting if people don't expect constant wards, de-wards and a timely courier upgrade, especially if lanes are gimped by stupid picks.

                                            I hate supporting people who pick what they want to pick and nothing else. These are the worst. They expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter by everyone else. i.e. Gyro top, Void bot, Earthshaker bot (buys quelling blade) etc. Makes me wanna quit on the spot. What's the point of trying to support at that point?

                                            But nothing kills me more than warding, or getting deep-wards in without dying... and having someone die to an enemy that walked right past that vision with additional pings as a reminder to "gtfo before you die". It means that the time and gold I spent went to complete waste. I might as well not have even warded in the first place (or at least that's what I feel at that point).

                                            Then again... I'm playing with a friend who hasn't played Dota since the early early stages back in WC3... and it just makes the game that much harder.


                                              I get pretty wound up when you're solo supporting and have pooled the mid a tango and no-one can even help out enough by giving them a second.


                                                the issue with support is at some point you lose control over your ability to win. If your carry is playing badly late game you are fucked. Simple positioning of your carry cant be controlled.

                                                Best way to avoid this is to pick late game supports like WD, Disruptor, Omni etc...


                                                  usually i lose my cool when i do everything i can to make carry/mid's life easy and then they decide to do some stupid shit and blame me

                                                  lm ao

                                                    I mute my carries. Do my job. Win geim. Never ever having to queue with those fucking losers again might be the only and best consolation I can ever have. Probably the HotSauz's way to get out of 2K

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                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      Quell shaker is actually legit, he can deward cliff wards with it


                                                        Supports are the nurses of Dota, underpaid and under appreciated. When you have a good team (meaning everyone is working together, communicating and playing towards a common goal) then it's not too bad. When 2 or 3 people want to do their own thing with total disregard to the rest of the team and Support Life fucking sucks. I don't get how people don't understand that tp has a cooldown. If I go from safe lane to offlane to save the offlaner how is i that 10 sec later mid is yelling gg wp no tp no rotation.

                                                        Favorite fail is when I actual am in position and am being chased by opposing team carry (who's kill is worth a lot more) and said carry is out of position. So I am kiting the person waiting, yelling pinging and slowly perishing. While my mid carry and offlaner are chasing a ds to kill them because that's who they saw FIRST. Then either get the kill or not but regardless turn around and say "gg wp support feeding".

                                                        As a support what can you do but just say "Get the Fuck Out of Here!"


                                                          this is just what i've wondered about last year ,moreover after i knew about one guy at top 10 player on our server which got 6k mmr and mainly play support and carrying his 4ks teammates.
                                                 number 10
                                                          and what i've wondered most was hows he managed to handle and communicate with his team and i still got no clue coz i can't predict what's going on on their team's chat log.lel

                                                          but i got 1 tips ,just improve your persuasion skill along with some quick explanation about exact critical moments that would likely always happen on your everyday game .
                                                          i learn this after i watch my team in 3-4ks (i always go with random ppl from my country's channel so i never got constant team) that always do same risky move like pushing when the enemy heroes all alive, at this moment i just tell them to push another lane with excuses like we got wider blindspot or something disadvantage so my team could come to another lane. even if they go full retard ,at least i've tried to prevent it.
                                                          or maybe when we got advantage and gonna push but rs still there, u can ask them to rs by tell them if they got rs they will got advantage 6vs5 for push with aegis.always work with scrubs lel.

                                                          and if u love precision , jut try to remember enemy skill's cd and inform your team to gain advantage. honestly i couldn't do this and only can count global silence


                                                            I love playing support heroes. Carries spend so much time farming (which feels like work to me). Core heroes in general almost require their first big item before they can do anything. Support heroes get to actually play the whole game, with no work before they begin being relevant.

                                                            If you succeed as a support you remain powerful all game long. If you get weak late, its because you failed at warding/stacking/ganking/saving etc. It's easier to accept. As a core hero the game can be lost completly by some feeder support player and you never had a chance. As a support I see that there is always something I could have done better. As a core often we lose and I think... well I could lasthit bettter but I can't out farm the feeds and I could port in to help... but don't have a slow or stun or heal-can't really do anythign if I did port. The only thing a core can do when the team is failing is maybe split push ( also boring).

                                                            The only thing that is really frustrating as a support player is when you have won a team fight at the enemy base and instead of taking the T3 and rax, your carry dives to the foutain for the last enemy hero and feeds. Meanwhile you plink away at the tower for 30 seconds and take off 200 hp, when the carry could have gotten both raxes if he wasn't blinded by short sighted greed.

                                                            Even if my stupid team picks no supports when I picked morphling first -
                                                            It's no problem since I've played 6k games of support on all sorts of heroes. I spend the first 30 minutes just gaurding spectre while he very, very slowly farmed a radiance missing tons of lasthits. I got 14 wards and made people chase morphlings illusions all over the map. So many ganks and ults used on illusions - it was great fun.

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                                                              pick dazzle save ur carry ez win

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                                                              Mina Inverse

                                                                I always announce to my team that I'm going to get 3rd pick support every ranked match. It works for me because when they see the word "I" and "support" they are like "ok thanks". I get 3rd pick because I don't want that support that gets countered and targeted first (ex: Axe vs Dazzle, Storm vs Rubick, etc). 3rd pick also means I can choose a support that my team needs and answers the opposing teams' first 2 heroes (and pray they don't counter me).

                                                                Do what supports do, courier, wards, TP to defend/save, help mid control rune, stack, pull, etc. I strongly believe that as a support, you're main priority is keep your idiots alive. Even if they are not that great as long as you keep them safe and alive, they will hit and will hit hard eventually. I have a lot of games where I get shutdown a lot early. But the ancients and stacks I've made for the carry/mid, the TP's I made to save them (dying in their place sometimes) and the wards at uncommon places (especially if enemy keeps on dewarding) brought my team to the late game. This is the time you will be proud of your 6 slotted Medusa/Spectre/Anti-Mage for getting that rampage later on. Be positive.

                                                                The best things you will get as a support are "GG Nice support", "commend support", and "WP support" and something to that effect. Review your failures, and learn from it. (Better positioning, timing, etc). Supports wins games.

                                                                PS. Whenever the opposing team gets an Antimage, I tell me team to get a better carry then get my Rubick. getting Blink at level 6 gets you the plays you need. Its funny how AM tries to runaway from me. Fun games


                                                                  it's only bad when there are 4 carry
                                                                  everything else is fine even there are 1 other support but not even helping at all(fgs sentry only 75g)

                                                                  and what forgos said pretty much sum it up it tho XD


                                                                    as carry i never blame support. as fact if he didn't ward or up courier i will start flaming. but if he doing ward and up courier it's already good.

                                                                    and when we win always said 'commend support'


                                                                      I just want to point out something.

                                                                      Most supports don't know how to play support. Supporting isn't just warding, getting courier and not stealing farm.


                                                                        had a game yesterday where i mark mid, and then teal also marks mid.
                                                                        then he says he's gonna play support cuz he feels like it, and i say "m8 if u want go mid no problem", and he's like "nono i play support this game!".

                                                                        9 minutes into the game i have 4 0, and this retard is not buying wards, didn't deward the pulling camp for our safelane that was getting fucked by some lesh+other imba combo, and he would just feed and whine in chat.

                                                                        good support, good times m8s

                                                                        The Ice Truck Killer

                                                                          When you try and pull/double pull/stack an obnoxious camp but you just an ogre Magi and mess it up
                                                                          When the enemy places a ward in vision and your team mates want you to deward it - why can't you just a mental note of - mids can just buy a smoke past it anyway 100g < 200g-50g.
                                                                          When it's 10 minutes in and your team will only let you initiate but the enemy spots you and runs away because you just an Ogre Magi with no brown boots.
                                                                          When team fights are going your way but the best you can do it get assist gold but no exp cuz u a level 13 ogre magi and don't want to die because the enemy doom feels like he needs to use his ult before he dies.
                                                                          When you give your teammates your tp and then at a crucial point they blame you when you lose tax because you didn't have a tp
                                                                          When you have 2 tps in your inventory but your teammates flame you for not having 1 tp and half a sentry set.
                                                                          When you losing all your hp and have to return to fountain cuz your midlaner wants to kill some neutrals by using you like a creep
                                                                          When the enemy has smoked in your vision but someone gotta break the smoke so "democratically" you are chosen to run into the enemy and die
                                                                          When your asshole teammates feed your courier, the one you have purchased, taken care of, invested in...
                                                                          When your offlaner says "ay ogre, let's go mid to gank" when he's just reached level 6 and makes you wait with him for 2 minutes trying to gank the enemy mid who isn't brain dead and gonna die in a stupid way.. meanwhile your carry dies you get the blame and your offlaner tries to make something happen by walking up to mid killing you and himself at their tower