General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchups

Matchups in General Discussion
k stud

    Hey Everyone,

    I got Plus to use for matchups and counterpicking. What I want is to be able to look up a hero, then see what heroes I am successful/unsuccessful as against that hero. Is there a simple way of doing this? It seems like the only way to do it is to run through your heroes one by one in the menu, but this is cumbersome.

    Is this not a feature?


      apparentkly thats the only way. if not, id like to know the other way myself.

      k stud

        Right? It would be a phenomenal tool during a draft, but for now it's not entirely useful.


          Honestly, I wouldn't rely to heavily on some of the stats on dotabuff.

          Don't tell me you'd pick Tinker as a counter to Bloodseeker because of the stats would you?

          k stud

            But for personal stats, I probably would. Personally, I play a lot of Bloodseeker, but I know that, for whatever reason, my play style with BS is not effective against Lion. Despite this, globally, BS has a favourable WR vs Lion.

            In general, I have a poor WR against Earth Shaker. I would like to see which heroes I am more successful with against that hero, so that I can pick them. Or, I would know which heroes not to take in that match up. This has nothing to do with global stats and everything to do with my individual stats, which is what Dotabuff should show.


              Thanks for the feedback, i could certainly see how a draft tool would be way more useful in certain use cases.

              Personally I always thought if a matchup was strong globally and I was weak against it - it became a good target for improvement.

              k stud

                Lawliepop, this is a fair way of looking at it. However, I'll bring it back to my Bloodseeker vs Lion example (you could insert any two heroes here). I should be better against Lion, and I know this. However, I've got a certain way that I like to play Bloodseeker, and this just loses me games against Lion. What I could do, obviously, is alter my builds/playstyle etc., but in this case, I'd rather just avoid playing BS in those games, and pick a different hero that has my playstyle is both effective and fun to play against Lion.

                The global matchup data is good in many cases, but it doesn't account for playstyle. Take for example the new trend of playing as Terrorblade mid: in general, TB matches unfavourably against Lina, but maybe TB is incredibly effective against Lina in a mid role.

                Of course, I'm disregarding the other 8 heroes in the game and their impact.

                Here are two tools that I bought Dotabuff Plus for (I thought they were things in plus) that I think would be really cool to see (and possibly useful):

                1) In Matchups, instead of picking the hero I'm playing, pick the hero on the enemy team and see what my hero win rates are against that hero. This would help me give a quick glance in a draft to see which heroes I should consider picking/avoiding.

                2) In Match History, as above, being able to select the enemy hero, then seeing the matches where I played against that hero. Another feature would be that I could also select the hero I played, so I could specifically see the games where I'm playing against BS vs Lion. This would be an incredibly useful tool for people that want to go back and look at how they're performing against certain heroes, instead of having to manually search through a bunch of your matches to find where the matchup actually took place.