General Discussion

General DiscussionMaking A Dota 2 Amateur Tournament, Need teams (prize pool)

Making A Dota 2 Amateur Tournament, Need teams (prize pool) in General Discussion
Owen 12

    When?: Undecided will be when we get a minimum of 8 teams to participate.
    What time?: I do not know the date but i want a time that works for everyone so it will probably be about 1 pst and that would be 4 est i believe. This is american timezones of course, i also welcome teams from outside the U.S. to participate, but your ping will be much higher.

    You will be put in a lobby with another team at the start and the tournament will happen over the course of several days most likely.

    Steam group:

    What it takes to enter: 1 rare item must be put into the prize pool by every particpating player

    Please have your entire team join the steam group so we can keep track of everyone.

    I will make announcement on the group of when the tournament will take place when i decide

    This is for teams with players 4.2k max mmr

    Winning Teams Prize: The prize pool, you get all the items to split up 5 ways.

    If any player doesnt make it in time for the tournament, that team will be disqualified unless they find a replacement

    How the items will be put in prize pool: before the match your team has to give 1 rare item per person to the captain, who will then give me those items, and i will give them to the winning team.

    About The match:
    - Captains mode
    - 5 Players per team
    - Spectators on 2 minute delay to prevent cheating.
    - Only the best sportmanship is to be shown before, during and after the games.

    - We will start the tournament with two teams playing, the losers will be out, the winner move on to the next game. Then the next 3 games is against two teams that havent played a game yet.
    - Then the next set of games is with the four winning teams, then the two winners of those games go onto the finals.

    Questions???? Add me on steam or join the steam group and ask

    Steam name: KG. ToxicPanda

    I'm not sure if this is all that i need for the tournament, i think ive got all i can think of, just message me or put something in the group if i forgot anything or if you have questions.

    (My team (KG.) is for CS:GO and noone from it will be participating in the tournament as part of KG.)

    Ce sujet a été édité

      these things never happen in the sea region

      fuck doto


        "This is for teams with players lvl 100 and below or slightly above"

        you should remove this requirement it sounds downright stupid


          maybe "This is for teams with players 4000 mmr and below or slightly above"


            this would make a lot of sense cuz lvl 80 dude can have 5.5k mmr


              and another lvl 80 dude can have 1700 mmr


                I would set a hard requirement for mmr slightly above 4k is too vague for a tournament . Say something like 4.2 k maxium or something

                im so bad at artifact

                  " This is for teams with players 4.2k max mmr"

                  I mean I realize you wouldn't want some established team stomping it but come on. The fact that there's no monetary prize is enough to keep people from joining it just to steamroll.


                    SPHERE AND BOX