General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to push the lane and when not?

When to push the lane and when not? in General Discussion

    So I finally realised after a game there with riki, some of my teammates had said stay back, as top lane was being pushed by a faceless void/axe pair and we were being outfarmed. I still won though because i stayed back when told too by teammates and it worked in my favour.

    I must watch the replay of this game.

    But what i want is a detailed answer on when to push the lane for farm and why you should stay back so as not to feed.


    Fuck it

      Hey! Good job you communicated with your teammates.
      Now about your question; in short:

      Minimap. You see enemies on the minimap far away from you (or the enemies are dead);
      You can push a little (not recommended to push towers solo on Riki btw as you are visible).

      Enemies disappear, you go back to safe zone (as safe zone I mean your teammates, your earth, your towers).

      In your case, you said your team was outfarmed.
      That means Axe could easily initiate a fight and Faceless Void could chronosphere over all.

      You will gain the knowledge of how and when with time. Trust me ;)

      Good luck!

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        push lane when its empty aka people in other lanes and ur powerfull enuff to take tower or atleast chunk decent amount of hp down