General Discussion

General Discussionis 3k mmr good, average,or bad??

is 3k mmr good, average,or bad?? in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    I wanna know cuz i have 3k that i get after alot of playing and being positive since a month ago i have 1.9k, is for know if actlly i should be satisfied or road to 4k

    the realm's delight

      vry gud mi friend

      haters will say u are bad, dont listen to them

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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      Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

        90% dota 2 players are 2.5k-3.5k


          pretty average

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            3.5k where your jungle axe doesn't have blink at 30 minutes....aim higher at least the above doesn't happen in far.


              everyone is bad compared to someone else.

              no one is ever happy with their skill level in dota unless they win TI


                3k is probably the most average you can be.


                  well you can be better, consider yourself to be at the starting line


                    average of the average

                    Low Expectations

                      3K is amazing considering where you were but its average compared to all dota players


                        Now you can really start enjoying the game and try to get better. Before that was to see if you had anything good, anything that made you win, now you can be good :D

                        lm ao

                          Benao dont you enjoy high4k yourself? XD

                          I genuinely enjoy just watching you play ranked, but the look on your face on the cam tells something else.

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                          Lester, Moe

                            As a 5k'er who calibrated at 2k mmr I can say that is a very good starting point.


                              3K is like you got drop as a baby and didn't get that bad brain damage so I think it's o.k? maybe?


                                ^im sub 1k. I Drop as a baby and probably lose a brain heuheuheuheue

                                Óðinn H

                                  3K is pretty average, now average players in dota is extremely bad compared to actual good players, but don't let that hinder you!

                                  Work hard, and you will feel extremely good about yourself.

                                  Edit: Also you gain the privelige of shit talking other players on dotabuff by being superior. That's also something, atlhough not sure how big of an achievement that is

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                                    DEpends how much you care about your mmr. If you care alot and play shit ton of a games, then it sucks. If you barely care, then its perfectly fine.
                                    Thing is, the more you care about ur mmr, dota is fucking with your life lot more. Less you care, dota is more fun.
                                    My suggestion is: play dota until is fun, until you feel satisfaction and enjoyment. Dont be a person that plays 15 games a day, that has his whole life focused on dota even though he wont get anything out of it. Its when recreation becomes obligation.


                                      Coroner you work for League Of lesbians or what?


                                        It's a little bit higher than average, which is in between 2.5 and 3kk.


                                          #coroner: I wish someone told me that last part before i started raiding AQ40 in vanilla WoW :) was a good 3-4K hours in gaming lol.

                                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                            " Dont be a person that plays 15 games a day, that has his whole life focused on dota even though he wont get anything out of it. "

                                            Wow such ambitions


                                              i rarely enjoy games nowadays, i'd love to have a team but it is hard, i mean it has been hard with all things aside from dota too... but avg >5,2k mmr are usually enjoyables. i facepalm and get annoyed too much with anything below and there are too many fake player, boosted cuunts and abusers that it makes my eyes cry when they play something else. I can't do half of what i enjoy either as those tactics don't work unless you have a functional team. All in all i find ranked boring but i can stomach it because it is the bet i can currently get, reason why i dont play unranked or parties with low unranked people on them or party with people that only have pub mentality, it's the worse

                                              tlrd: ranked is shit but its the best we have.


                                                3k games nowadays are better than 4-5k. Why? Because majority buys an account that has an MMR of 4.5k-5k (or even 6k).


                                                  It horrible. Anything lower than 5K is pretty much "just install league tier."

                                                  Ok not really, its at the top of the "normal skill" category. I think 3300 is the start of high skill mmr. It's the highest I got and the games were "high skill" in dotabuff.


                                                    Skillwise - BAD
                                                    But you can say you are an average dota player..
                                                    trust me even 5k games suck dick , so you dont really have to care about mmr unless you are 6k , and even then u get to plaay 4,7 avg matches..


                                                      average is 7k dude
                                                      trust me

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        Considering you came from 1.9k to 3k. How the hell did you manage that haha

                                                        Dread Pirate Cat

                                                          At 3k you're probably better than 65-70% of players. Thats basically where I am too, and its not great for sure.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            Average has been shown to be 2.2k. You're above that level so you are above average.

                                                            However, let me tell you how little MMR matters even at my rank (5.5k). Sure, basically anyone who is really good at the game should be 5k+. However, there are many people who spam FOTM heroes and inflate their MMR without improving. So you see some 6k+ player who only knows how to spam lesh who basically is a low 5k player if someone picks lesh first. So, in that sense MMR means less.

                                                            Generally, MMR does show some skill. I'll give the breakdown the best I can:

                                                            1-2k: Beginner, knows some heroes and some spells. Does not know basic mechanics/map sense, or much of anything really

                                                            3k: Intermediate, knows all heroes, all spells and basic mechanics. Generally at this level you lack 1 important aspect of dota:
                                                            Map awareness, spell useage, farming patterns, or game sense

                                                            4k: Advanced, knows all basics of dota but either lacks some minor aspect of dota, or gets frustrated easily. Honestly, 4k bracket is really awful, many people could be 5k if they just didn't give up so easily or tilt hard.

                                                            5k Expert, knows everything it takes to win. Often lacks very minor things that makes you next level. Minor farming problems are common here. Picks become very important here. If you don't understand exactly how your linup works it's unlikely that you can win off of mechanical skill alone unlike the other lower brackets.

                                                            6k+ Pro/hero spammer. At this level, you get either the hero spammers (lesh this patch) or the pro's/semi pros. Basically every mechanical skill is perfect here. Game sense is perfect. Rarely gets ganked without smoke rotations or without taking another sort of advantage (tower, kill, etc).


                                                              If anyone wants any personal tips on how to get out of whatever bracket I provide coaching


                                                                Here's a little tip from me -

                                                                Take your best 5 hero, play them well (hero spam) and get to 4.5k+. That's where things start to get a little serious, things like neutral/ancient stacking, smoke gank, power tread swapping, refilling bottle from ally TP's, buyback and re-engaging, start to happen

                                                                From my past experience, you'll probably learn nothing at 3k. Everyone just tries to farm 6 slot and the game is dead even till the 35-40 min mark when each death might cost you the game. 4.5k+ would punish you by taking objectives such as tower and rosh when you die

                                                                And Strelok's right, a lot of 4k's are potential 5k's and some might win in 1v1 but due to people tilting hard, they change to mood of the game a lot

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                                                                    I know I'm not Strelok, but my answer is... you join them...

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                                                                        I would assume the following -

                                                                        Lesh Mid
                                                                        UD Offlane
                                                                        WD, Gyro, Bara Tri Safelane

                                                                        I would pick -

                                                                        Slardar+Lina, SF/QOP, Clock+WW

                                                                        Storm + AM sounds like a very mid-late game oriented pick. You either need to hold your ground really well (but leshrac and UD) or you push really fast (no leshrac and UD)

                                                                        Basically you cant fight Leshrac and UD when tomb is up.. there's no way, my last 7 games were Leshrac and UD..

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                                                                            So you're asking what I'd do against a bara, lesh, gyro, undying, wd linup?

                                                                            As far as picks go I would counter that linup with (1-5 positions)
                                                                            1: AM, counters lesh, their team doesn't have enough lockdown to punish his splitpush.
                                                                            2: Lina, only laner I know that deals with bara charging mid and lesh spam. Also insanely good against gyro at all stages.
                                                                            3: Centaur, hugely underated against undying and gyro. TB, Blink, Glimmer, aghs is the build. Glimmer for surviving after initial initiation, aghs is broken against heroes like gyro. Use ult to get out of the tombstone area in midgame fights
                                                                            4: WW, insanely good against bara. Zones him out hard in the offlane with his Q (% base dmg ignores his armour too). COld embrace is really good too especially when you get glimmer
                                                                            5: Really anything with some sort of lockdown/strong spells. Lion, rubick, disrupter are all decent here


                                                                              Focus on strong early game lanes. Make sure to zone the bara hard and force him to make rotations to mid. WW absolutely needs an early TP. Cold embrace with counter initiation potential can win you the game early if you play it right.

                                                                              WW can roam, but the other support should smoke mid when lina hits level 4 or 5 to get an easy kill on lesh. Centaur should play safe. Midgame engagements should be focused on tower defense from a position of advantage rather than forcing engagements. Let AM split the map and take solo towers and TP back to mop up after fights at the tower.

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                                                                                  Greedier 5th position supports could be used but it risks weakening your lane too much. Earthshaker is exceptional against WD but disrupter's glimpse works well at that too. Disrupter, WW, AM is an insanely strong lane in most circumstances and should sufficiantly zone the offlaner while providing great TP counterganks and smoke gank potential


                                                                                    I have, I see it in like 90% of my games. AM is really good against that dual lane. If you can bait out tomb, blink away, you can re-engage after it is down and get an easy kill with your number advantage too. I agree, it's a hard lane but not impossible to beat especially with good mechanics and lane skill


                                                                                      The main thing is to understand that you can't always get kills in the lane. Play safe and AM cant die to that lane. Take it back in the midgame when they have to commit 5 to a tower while you splitpush. WW, lina defend towers really well and disrupter can punish poorly executed retreats too.


                                                                                        Have you met an aggressive trilane UD/Leshrac/ES?

                                                                                        I did. And thats the reason why I'm abusing this broken shit now.

                                                                                        Whatever you said about AM doesnt work against this 3. Because your base is gonna crumble in 20 mins. You probably need 4/5 heroes against this 3 which means leaving the opponent's 2 cores farming hard.


                                                                                          Yeah you're right. But offensive trilanes are very rare in pubs. IDK I mostly play against offensive dual lanes or a solo offlane. People like to farm a lot more at the higher brackets


                                                                                            Avarege ranked mmr is about 2.8-3.1k.

                                                                                            Tho difference between an 2.8-3.1k player and 3.5-3.6k player is noticable, 3.5k is just little above average.

                                                                                            Also, there's a huge difference between an 3.5k player that plays ranked once a week, and a player that plays ranked at least few games per day.

                                                                                            I used to be stable at 3.9-4.1k 1 month ago, lost a lot of mmr, and now I'm slowly climbing back.

                                                                                            But when I reached 4k first time, I never stoped. I just tried my best and that's it.

                                                                                            If you want to get at least decentish games try to stay above 3.8k.

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              Lol if 3k is AVERAGE, and 3k = 90% some people should really be learning maths and basic logic to know that it is more than average before they ever queue into a Dota game again.


                                                                                                I only have 590 mmr :'(. I cry everytime I lose.

                                                                                                Penjahat Kelamin

                                                                                                  here is a quick comparison.
                                                                                                  4k in europe or na is equivalent to 3k in china and sea


                                                                                                    Im 5k, still think I'm not that good though



                                                                                                      what do u know about maths and basic logic?

                                                                                                      Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                                                        Okay. I tried to test something and dropped even lower in my smurf (maybe below 3k). Playing with people hurts my brain. Make 0 sense. I tried to do some teamwork but results always end in my dead. I don't blame my team but only myself that I trust my team. Best advice in this basket is try to raise your skills and forget about team. Playing in 5k versus 3k for position 4,5 (maybe 3) not the same. People cannot coordinate and only good with trash talking (even though they are not good).