General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat was the rationale again of turning BS..

What was the rationale again of turning BS.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    From a single target destroyer to a more team fighter based skillset.

    Just remembered that only bs got that treatment ever in doto history, afaik?


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      Bad Intentions

        Well, not like before man, def not like before.

        I cant remember the reason behind the rework of all his skills.


          cause he sucked before his rework.

          Bad Intentions

            ^damnn man, really? I like teh old bs 😞

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                Bloodseeker sucks vs team play, he relies on pick offs and can't team fight very well and most (smart) players pick wyvern/kotl vs him and the no TP strat most players employ only helps increase his "broken" status.

                People just have gotten lazy and BS is a good way to sort out the good from the bad. Good players are at the ready to TP when he's diving towers with bloodrage and can usually cripple him early one, sadly most don't.


                  Retarded team + BS vs. Retarded team = ez win
                  Retarded team + BS vs. non-retarded team = sad BS
                  non-retarded team + BS vs non-retarded team = ez win