General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion


      they should ask me to be a that brax is fucking useless


        wow cdec really doing it guys... cdec top 2?

        Welt aus Eis

          holy shit agressif is just too fucking good


            he's been playing his heart out. not phased by this lan like another player we just saw playing before this


              dude plays with no fear in a tournament full of people playing it safe

              Quick maffs

                So ......

                I have a new favorite team

                Holy shit agressif

                Welt aus Eis

                  ok CDEC = TI champions gg


                    i dont understand...they were so fucking bad in the chinese qualifiers :D!
                    now they are soooo fucking good


                      ayyyy lmfao he even induces huge fails..

                      Quick maffs

                        I am starting to think that its just LGD sucking ass

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                          Quick maffs


                            Poor shred


                              the balls of garder to throw that triple stun down

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Should have banned the cancer after seeing the first game.

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  i guess not LOL


                                    CDEC win ti, called it, no one believed

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                                      Don't forget MVP boys

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                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          is that lounge stats? how do you show the value?

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                                              im kinda disappointed the lack of picks in this TI.

                                              I mean i like the pace of the meta, and the shifts and stuff, but I feel like there are very few heroes being picked, especially carries.

                                              Why haven't we seen lycan or PA yet? Rarely seeing enigma. Pretty much no tinker or windranger. Troll apparently dead, no one risking an ursa pick. Timber rarely picked. Tree is rare, no CK.... etc. Hell not even slark or weaver or life stealer. Has puick even been played in the main? Jakiro? No Drow/Visage/venge shenanigans?

                                              We saw a bit more diversity in the group stage but this main event has been really stale

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                                                  I think people are too scared to try different things with so much money on the line

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                                                      yea ok

                                                      winter is going to get a nerf. which is a shame cause she is going to be pure dumpster tier by the time icefrog is done with her.


                                                        there has been at least 1 drow game and 1 lycan game if i remember correctly and i think i saw a visage game too!


                                                          juts so you know guys! i would send drow mid and wreck storm all game long every time! with my treads aquilla drums orchid dagger build!


                                                            wtf suddenly everyone picking luna? teams read too much benao dotabuff posts :p


                                                              i meant in main not group though.

                                                              Same thing happened last TI. during main stage the meta gets really skewed and static


                                                                they got no balls and if they do they go for shit like razor viper -->puke :D


                                                                  remember how people said mvp phx didnt deserve invite but fnatic/mushi did? GG...


                                                                    Mekaruzium, time to lose Techi arcana bro. : D

                                                                    Anyway, I'm fucking 100% done now. : - D

                                                                    It's 100$ loss.

                                                                    SF + PA + TB + bunch of other items.

                                                                    Best ti of my life, for sure. : - D

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                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                      3-22 score lmfao


                                                                        Well it's very close to a Cdec - Ehome winners final
                                                                        The third place in China qualifier must be feeling very hard done by right now :o


                                                                          looking like a cdec mvp winners final*


                                                                            Wouldn't be suprised

                                                                            Dire Wolf



                                                                                Puting tekiz arcana, losing cuz of tekiz pick, ez : d


                                                                                  Sumail beating razor with ember lawl.


                                                                                    AUI literally placed mines next to t1 safe dire just to fuck with them

                                                                                    He knows they won't run into them, but the crowd yells every time ehome gets near them and it's fucking with them. They keep looking and can't find them

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                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Sumail beating razor with ember AND TECHIES SUICIDE lawl.


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                                                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                                                              I can't believe Cloud 9 is out Q.Q America has one last hope, and that's EG, they deserve it the most, fuck Arteezy (Ex EG member) and Team Cocky.

                                                                                              AM is like the best hard carry in the game right now, so.... Invoker Tornado/ EMP/ Ice wall into Mana Void = GG free TI5, eZ money, eZ title, come again another day.

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                                                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                  sumail so trash Keepo

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                                                                                                      Sumail best player in ti5