General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch Analysis Help

Match Analysis Help in General Discussion

    I last-picked venge after the other team had already picked all their Heroes. Although my KDA was reasonable given what happened to the rest of the team, I can't help but feel I mispicked. What would you have picked in my situation and what items would you have bought?

    Bad Intentions

      Need another hard carry definitely. Or a multi role. Wk would have been a better pick.


        I would have picked Shadow Demon, because he would be very able to disrupt any gank and would be able to farm well enough to get any item he needs.
        Items would have been Linken's, Force Staff, and Orchid/Halberd/Vyse.

        Bad Intentions

          ^man SD in that game? Vs that lineup? Mannn hed like have 20 deaths and a loss when the game is over.


            why did u and nyx had desolators??????? why no dagger/ghost scepter/heavens halberd/glimmer cape?????????? why did u spend that gold on useless items its not like u gonna hurt any1 with that desolator, its like u r hittin with a watergun. Why does freakin rylai has a dagon???

            U see supports shouldnt go for dps items, make utility as much as u can, if u wanna hit hard pick heroes that r supposed to hit hard, its the same as pickin spectre and goin forcestaff mek/wards. If u have gold to spare and u r thinking of gettin smth to have more presence in teamfights then a scythe of vyse does the job, a shivas aswell.

            I dont think the problem is the hero more than they way it was played, they have an extremly greedy lineup, so if u wanted to change the hero a roaming bounty hunter can rly snowball ur entire team with the bonus gold from the pick offs and the enemy team falls rly fast considering how greedy they r. theres not enough space for them all to farm. and with legion commander u could have picked off alot of kills plus the track gold. BH would have been gr8 hero actually since u could keep tracks of the enemy players with the track since they all have shadowblades.


            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!