General Discussion

General DiscussionI am amazed how good this guy Miracle actually is

I am amazed how good this guy Miracle actually is in General Discussion

    Like this is only one example of this extraordinary player, i really recommend to every each one of you to see one of his replays - it will make you humble and give you the will to improve even further. Simply magical.


      1.stack with wisp picker
      2.have someone bad feed u fb
      3.snowball from that gold gain and wisp doing shit for u
      4. be amazing
      in that vid he hvnt done anything what any other decent offlane player who can play clock could do


        That was a 3-4k game fyi


          Ofc it was 3-4k game and he did absolutely nothing to inspire me as a player - NOT. Idk about you 2, but some of the stuff he did was remarkable, no matter how the game started, etc. I just watched few of his solo 8k games, holy fuck this guy plays on another level.


            I used to watch alot of his mid/offlane games too. Tbh I wasn't even surprised he hit the 8k mark.


              I know that he does, I'm just pointing out that the party games he plays are a bit ridiculous. 8k player against a 4.7k is way too much
              (I'm not trying to be offensive or whatever, he's my best friend afterall)


                It's ok, you're right :) Maybe i gave a bad example of a game, but the plays were still awesome. Man if i get to meet this guy in a game somehow, that'd be beyond awesome.


                  Me 1:1 Miracle- so far
                  but i hate his party mmr

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                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      The naga plays of his are truly amazing, this was not as amazing.

                      The naga play where he singlehandedly controlled DK at their base was special


                        The hook into a triple kill at 4 minutes was really impressive. That was deliberate and carefully judged. I also see a lot of restraint in using spells at the proper time, in order to get the kill instead of just doing damage.

                        I'd love to play against (and likely get destroyed by) high-level players like that, because it's the best way to learn. Second best way: watching more videos like this! :)


                          @abunai aite
                          i think you're confusing Miracle- with Meracle.


                            Trust me this guy is the luckiest player i have ever seen i watched most of his games that he recently played

                            ok let me explain for example this game
                            he was free farm safe lane vs solo tiny while trollwarlord and sky was feeding bot lane everyone can win that game right ?

                            or this game

                            he was sf at safelane free farming no one at his lane he farmed 15 min while his team was winning even without him he came out from farm and finished the game

                            or this game he got 33 kill as qop mid you may think hes a god becuz he god 33 kill at 7k mmr but hes accualy not if u see the picks they had no chance against miracle had a omni knight who was always fallowing qop and casting skill 2 on qop
                            miracle free farm 20 min or gg ez they just put their win videos on utube and people think they are god

                            Rate my english pls . bad ? good ? excellent ? or retarded ?

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                            no incoming chat

                              The most impressive player I've seen since RTZ started streaming. He is probably the most skilled pub player in the world, but it's not guaranteed he will be as good as he is in pub in competitive.

                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                Oh lol I did, I thought this was Meracle.

                                Meracle is fucking great though


                                  Meracle plays a very farm centric playstyle though.


                                    Its not just about how he plays, its about how old he is and how he plays. Definitely has a bright future ahead of him.

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                                      @4 son of a pig
                                      Those games are all also a 4k party, his stack always fully support him and don't let anyone bother him in his lane so they win the game(a bit boring and tryharding)
                                      If you want to give an example about him being "lucky", give a solo game


                                        how do i know if someone stacked in party or solo ?

                                        when he doesn't get lucky there is a w33 in enemy team :))) miracle just didnt happend

                                        or waggamama

                                        all im saying is hes a very good player (nothing more ) but when hes playing like a god he's 100% stacked in party

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                                          Just check the names, his party will always consist of the same players :l

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                                            This aint the Miracle that played with Puppey Kuroky and Pajkatt on GGnet right?

                                            Also, I still believe that Beesa is the best pub player IMO

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                                              The miracle that played on ggnet was swedish for sure


                                                dotabuffers thinking they're better than miracle kek

                                                no incoming chat

                                                  Yeah, guy is terrible. He only got first world 8.1k MMR...What a terrible, lucky player. Dotabuff's pros at their best. Also watch his party games, before u sprout bullshit. His allies are beyond terrible & 90% of party games he plays is literally 1v9. He plays with 4.5k players, who play like 3k MMR (probably inflated party mmr) with shit coordination vs 5 stack of 5k players with very good coordination. Not to mention his team picks totally shit heroes. Watch games, then comment. Also how can u say beesa is the best pub player if he was never even 7.5k, not to mention 8k.

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                                                    ^"5 stack of 5k players with very good coordination"
                                                    thanks, but that's... far from reailty


                                                      yes because after a certain point its all about mmr. 8k player is obviously so much better than 7.5k player or 7k player.
                                                      what drugs are you on?


                                                        im on roofies

                                                        no incoming chat

                                                          xan - I'm not saying 8k is much better than 7.5k or 7k player. I just said that if u want to measure how good is someone in pub u look at MMR. Miracle got the highest solo MMR ever, when beesa never was even 7.5k. For me it's clear who is a better pub player. Not saying Miracle > Beesa, but in pub he got better results.

                                                          TripleSteal - of course it wasn't a competitive coordination, but they played really well together. On the other hand Miracle's stack was beyond horrible, zero coordination, so Miracled solo carried every game or they just lost.

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