General Discussion

General DiscussionSome questions have risen in my mind. Would like to know what everyon...

Some questions have risen in my mind. Would like to know what everyone else thinks. in General Discussion
Hug Life

    I just want to know why dota is setup in a way that your own performance doesn't really matter, all it takes is one idiot to ruin a whole game. I have been trying the Lycan strat and it has worked me for just fine. I have noticed that even with a mediocre team I can pull off some amazing wins. Why is it that I have to play with someone not even close to my MMR bracket. I recently had a game with a guy around 140.
    Also don't you guys think that party games should be separated from solo games because I believe that communication you have with your team actually plays a very important role. And also I think at the start of every game people should be able to see the MMR of every player on their own team not just the highest and average team MMR.

    P.S I don't think of myself of such a pro my MMR is only around 1.6 K but before you start crying out NOOOOOB it actually was 1.3 K and then fell to 800 and then I got it up to where it is now. You can actually check my last 3 games if you want to have an idea of what I am on about.

    So i would really like to hear your opinion on these topics.

    GGWP. Commend the pushing. LOL


      It is very possible for one man to turn the tides of the game.

      I know sometimes it doesn't feel that way but you gotta reflect on the things you could've done better. This game looks unwinnable right: but had I dodged more spells in about 3 of the crucial fights, winning would have been very possible.

      Hug Life

        But didn't it piss you off even a little after you officially lost that game? And any opinion on the rest of the stuff up there


          I hate to say this but very rarely does communication stack highly in reasons for winning.

          I regularly have a majority of my team muted, not out of rage just out of not wanting to hear them talk all game long. People who talk a lot in game, or try to "communicate" actually tend to be the worst if the game goes wrong. They start out all positive talking about lets win and have fun then as the game progresses they start getting moody then turn into full ragers by the end of the game.

          Now, not being rude but the difference between someone with 500 MMR and you is not that far in terms of skill. So until you get into something like mid 5K you're not really in a position to call anyone out for anything they do.

          Now on to Lycan. You play pure rat lycan which has a decently high success rate due to the nature of players not just in general but in that bracket so it can be quite easy to constantly push them out. However, this severely weakens your team and forces them into 4v5 fighting scenarios and sure, the arguement could be "just bait them into fights but don't actually fight so i can push" doesn't always work when your team has the wrong mix of heroes.

          Also how come in most of your lycan games you have two items about 45+ minutes in, you're performance in game is decent but you lack the abilty to do anything beyond 40 minutes cause you're item builds are pretty lackluster.


            Competitive team e-sports are very similar to "normal" sports. I you think about it, you'll figure out that same stuff occurs in football/basketball/volleyball/etc. "Team game" means you depend on other people and have to rely on them.


              Havoc nailed it lol.

              Some people rage so much while typing it ruins the chances of winning.

              Hug Life

                I get your point that it becomes a 4 v 5 but I would also like you to keep in my mind and that pushing will also force them to come to defend forcing the other team to disengage or sometimes leaving it a 4 v 4 fight or even a 3 v 4. The reason that I don't usually have more than 2 items is because by that time I usually get Megas or either I have to conserve gold for buyback because you never know when you get the perfect chance to push.


                  I'd work on your CS a lot more, just stack commands on your puppies, send them auto attacking down a lane while you jungle etc, also nothing wrong with your rat build, but maybe get a bkb before a deso if you are gonna 1 man rat :P

                  Hug Life

                    Yeah people have told me to get BKB ALOT, but I don't really have a good idea of its time delay I just end up wasting all the time that I could have had and also because I am quite the noob and I don't have complete control of my keyboard yet hardly can use items that are on z,x,v. LOL I know it is bad.

                    C9 Badger

                      BKB about half way when walking into a fight.

                      Too early they back off, too late they kill you and it's wasted.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!