General Discussion

General Discussionso about reborn

so about reborn in General Discussion

    i was wondering, is it more demanding than basic d2?
    like i saw ping is two times better (from 60ms on eu. to 30), visually game looks different, just wondering if it takes better pc to run it (cant tell it myself, and friend wants to know)

    also, i cant seem to use my mouse keys in hotkeys options.
    it works in basic dota, but in reborn it doesnt register it when i click mouse side button, what gives?


      it isn't very well optimized. some users find it better and some dont

      obviously it is still riddled with bugs

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        They promised a better experience for older hardware. But I don't think it is optimised well enough yet while it is still in beta.

        the realm's delight

          xan if u want to keybind mouse 4 and mouse 5 buttons u can, its bugged it doesnt show up but it works.


            aight, thanks for the responses.
            dled 7gb today between the games, gonna give it a go tomorrow.


              i'll play with you if you want people to play reborn with :D

              Dire Wolf

                I didn't notice any differences in game except that console is enabled by default (regular dota it's a launch command). So I opened it with a hotkey by accident and couldn't figure out how to close it.

                And this isn't gameplay really but I can't find the conpendium and when you click spend hero coins from in a match it crashes.


                  I run the old dota at max fps.

                  Reborn framerate is jittery for me and it totally takes away from the experience.


                    overall i find the reborn one smoother but its still filled with bugs.
                    I guess it's going to take some time.

                    Also my nephew can play reborn much better on his old laptop than he could with the normal dota client.


                      for 4:3 monitor, it's uglier than aoe2, at least it was, when i tested it, before insta-uninstalling it (ofc every setting on max)

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                      Livin' Real Good

                        Yeah the graphics are better, the textures look more rich thanks to the source engine 2, maybe the lighting too. They even added little details like new green brush around neutral camps to give them that more richer, foresty look, and a bunch of other subtle things most people don't notice. The game looks noticeably better.

                        As far as requirements go, the game looks better, and is ACTUALLY LESS demanding than regular Dota 2, due to great optimization, props to them, cause the game actually runs better than it ever did, and this is only the beginning (plenty of time to get rid of more bugs and optimize further) just imagine after TI5? They might add new animations and certain things onto the map, who knows. That would be cool if they added a water fall or something somewhere, i dunno, or new ambient creatures. (maybe mini dragons flying over the map? or i dunno) Birds would be a good start, like maybe a giant flock that passes by every once in awhile with a great animation?

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                          It is said to be less demanding but I feel like (at least for now, sure it is still in beta) that it is very poorly optimized. Maybe it is just me but the camera movement/edge panning, dont know, really.


                            ^ This, I cant for the life of me find the same camera sensitivity I always use on the old dota client and because of this I dont play Reborn at all unless Im playing one of the custom game modes. I have no problem with optimization, but then again my system is way overkill for this game anyway.


                              When play reborn temp on my laptop reaches almost 90° degrees but it never really reaches 70° when playing normal Dota 2.

                              All settings are lowest possible on both, so I'm a bit worried when playing reborn since temperatures over 90° are considered quite high.

                              It may have do to something with the fact that I use linux with the AMD graphics card so I get half the fps I used to get on windows.


                                edge panning is really fucked up in reborn, i tried playing normal games in reborn but it's impossible.


                                  well everything seems better but the game itself. games are so unbalanced, its actually a total coin toss who throws them harder.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Crazy, Dota 2 reborn works amazing for me, it's actually hard for me to go back to regular Dota 2 now that ranked is enabled in Reborn, and that lots of bugs and glitches are fixed + more fixes to come. Anyways, i hope it works better for you guys after it officially launches! :)

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                                    Dire Wolf

                                      uh honestly I can't tell any differences. It looks the same. Maybe you have to compare side by side screenshots. Rebron the load time before games seems to take a LOT longer though, not for me but for a couple every game. Most old games I load in 10 seconds, then wait usually 15 for everyone else on average. Reborn seems like one or two guys always take a minute to load.


                                        the pan feels weird like it has delay (and i turned all that smooth shit off and set it to my ultra high speed)
                                        it's really weird compared to normal dota


                                          JUST PLAYED REBORN RANKED.


                                          Das Claw

                                            I think the reborn client uses a newer version of DirectX; which can offload more processing to your GPU. Which would explain more CPU strain if your GPU isn't that recent.

                                            And why would you play ranked in an alpha client? That's like driving a prototype car, and complaining that the body is made out of foam instead of metal.


                                              why wouldnt you play ranked? if you are gonna play normal dota might as well play ranked.

                                              and playing customs without frends is not really fun. not for me at least.

                                              anyhow, with all the visuals on, i have around 60ish fps, with most off, it goes to 120. but god damn does the map look amazing with all shit on.


                                                Yorkey the game isn't perfectly optimized.

                                                It runs better for some people and it runs worst for some people. I'm the latter. The frame rate is stuttery when I've got it running between 80-90 fps on the regular client

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  Never said it was, but okay. Like i said before, i'm sure after TI5 when it finally launches, you'll have better luck, hopefully. :D

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!