General Discussion

General Discussion6k + pure support players? + Tips and tricks

6k + pure support players? + Tips and tricks in General Discussion
la the yeezy

    Basically I realized I'm very mediocre at the core role and have been getting better results as a support. I want to learn how I high level player plays support. My current mmr is about 4200, so any other advanced tips and stuff would be nice. Also dotabuff link to top support players, so that I can watch their replays. Payers who don't spam only one support and are versatile would be preferred!

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    Giff me Wingman

      You should check out n0tail.

      He is one s1ck support player.

      la the yeezy

        profile is private though :l


          Doesn't he have a twitch stream?


            It is hard to imagine "pure" support at 6k MMR. You will get 4k MMR teammates anyway, and you'll have to carry them... as a support... umm... You have to be position #4 at least for this task. Even then it's not going to be easy.


              if by support you mean rubick mid, chek out miracle-

              saving private RTZ

                ^ Are any of your posts not trolls?

                You and gotvet biggest trollers I ever saw


                  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                  C9 Badger

                    You wouldn't really understand what a 6k supports thought pattern is though, think like some high 5k players who main support....

                    I would suggest Jussi he's the most kappa by far

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                      play on Russian server. you will be the only support in the game.


                        prettysure jussi stacks 99% of the time

                        Bad Intentions

                          Pure support is dead man! Go damage dealer sup, HD/TD sup best sup


                            Im 5.9k with only position 5 ward bitch (and some core veno). BUY DEM WARDS THATS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW and carry a tp.

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                              ^did u wake up from a coma or smtg ? supports are the game winners nowadays.

                              if you have a good support in your team, the only reason to lose is because cores are shit and cant take a win even when its handled to them on a silver plate.

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                                I think I'm a good support player :D can check my winter wyvern games. Currently Ranked 26th in Dotabuff. :D


                                  ^Wow nice
                                  I actually want to watch one or two games and learn a bit

                                  Optimus Drip

                                    ^ also, not realated to this topic persay, i wanna see a good wyvern go carry wyvern just once or twice. like going mid. Just to see if it works. I made it work when he she was first released, but that was way back then.


                                      haha. no worries. I can guide u along. Solo and Party around 5+, playing at SEA Region.


                                        PS. Winter Wyvern ranked 17th now :D


                                          Well I am smurfing to learn the role support better and so far it is easier then i imagined. You need to learn these in order to be good though:

                                          1) Ward spots. Where to place wards and when to place em. Sometimes a well placed ward actually sets up a kill that is game breaking.
                                          2)Dewarding: You need to deward and be smart with your sentries. If you can blind the enemy often then you will give your team a huge bonus.
                                          3)Pulls. When to pull the lane, chain pulls, how to starve an offlane. When to show presence at your lane, when to pull and when to gank around and leave your carry for a while.
                                          4)Precise clicking with the glimmer cape, right item choices for games and you are golden. If you understand how the game works it doesnt actually is a hard thing.

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