yeah, i didnt think bkb would be that good, since i was getting rekt by bash and physical damage, but i never thought about AC, do you guys think that it would be a good thing going for bkb anyway?
I only see disables on wit h doctor and vengeful that he needs a bkb for I don't think bkb would have mattered too much vs another item.
"Tbh yoy shouldve gathered ur team and finished the game during mid game phase."
Sadly, that requires teammwork. The following type of players just won't:
1) Cowards (They usually play support or initiator and refuse to push T3 because they fear the lack of vision. They will intervene only after their pusher/carry is nearly dead from being forced to initiate.)
2) Killers (They value KDA over winning the game. Instead of taking T3/rax, they run after wounded enemies towards T4/fountain and die.)
3) Farmers (They refuse to push until their "late-game" items are complete. They don't care the enemy has stronger late-game, or that the enemy is currently demoralized at 25:00 because of your team has won every lane, took all T1/T2s, have an advantage of 5000+ team net worth and 20+ kills. By refusing to push, they allow the enemy team to recover their morale, gain adequate farm from the constant influx of creeps in all three lanes, and occasionally even win a teamfight because their frustrated teammates lose a 4v5.)
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Hey guys, i`d like to know if you guys could help me with some insight of what i could have done more to win this game.. it was so frustrating.