there wasn't even any medium, i just got ran on by the big one, got cornered and died
i guess i'll just stay in the narrow corridor, wait until she comes, go back and hit it from there since it can't go there
entrance to blighttown is in depths? oh i didn't know that
i went in by some valley where were some stoned drakes along with astora sword, then i got into some mining shaft where were some tanky guys, killed them after a while and got into there
why do 6.3k mid players start feeding when no one said anything in chat throughout the whole game and the rest of the team was winning 4v5 when he afk farmed
before i had a year pause from dark souls, i fell into basilisks, got lost and ended up at the guy who sells the crystal weapons
apparently he's sitting next to blighttown entrance
also got the rat, even though i lost 6k souls because i got stuck in that little corner around the door, got bodyblocked by rat and couldnt run away
just what the fuck is wrong with this place though. there are people randomly sitting here, not giving a fuck about anything. big lightning shooting thing next to me just behind corridor? meh, gotta forge these swords. giant deadly rats and slimy things hanging from the ceiling and waiting to drop at you and eat you alive? pf, who cares. gotta sit here for eternity and wait until someone comes so i can sell him crystal weapons
how did these people even end up here and why would they be here
since the other way leads to the corridor with basilisks, i suppose that game is trying to tell me "haha there's no bonfire before this boss battle so you'll have to go all the way down through all those rats after you die"
also how the hell do i get used to bigger weapons. i'm using longsword whole game and i get sick of using anything slower
i tried to play with one hand claymore (i have str for that) but i don't really like it
not even talking about zweihänder.
to kill this THING
i even barely deal any damage, he ran over me and i died kek
but i didn't notice any big attacks through those 10% damage that i dealt to him
i can already hear those fuckers going "krrrr" on me
good thing is, i found the entrance to the big rat fight
bad thing is, i will probably have to go through the basilisks anyway
i got like 4 humanity drops from rats in a row WutFace
there wasn't even any medium, i just got ran on by the big one, got cornered and died
i guess i'll just stay in the narrow corridor, wait until she comes, go back and hit it from there since it can't go there
entrance to blighttown is in depths? oh i didn't know that
i went in by some valley where were some stoned drakes along with astora sword, then i got into some mining shaft where were some tanky guys, killed them after a while and got into there
why do 6.3k mid players start feeding when no one said anything in chat throughout the whole game and the rest of the team was winning 4v5 when he afk farmed
What is this this garbage looking game xd
@triple ROFL it's that progamer guy HAHAHA
im not gonna spoil for myself tho, but i leld at the intro
everything is garbage looking game when it's ran on my computer so it's playable
dark souls
Why do I even bother with using shield against anything but hollows in this game.
before i had a year pause from dark souls, i fell into basilisks, got lost and ended up at the guy who sells the crystal weapons
apparently he's sitting next to blighttown entrance
also got the rat, even though i lost 6k souls because i got stuck in that little corner around the door, got bodyblocked by rat and couldnt run away
just what the fuck is wrong with this place though. there are people randomly sitting here, not giving a fuck about anything. big lightning shooting thing next to me just behind corridor? meh, gotta forge these swords. giant deadly rats and slimy things hanging from the ceiling and waiting to drop at you and eat you alive? pf, who cares. gotta sit here for eternity and wait until someone comes so i can sell him crystal weapons
how did these people even end up here and why would they be here
this weird dark atmosphere of the game is something i like the most on this game
This shitfuck is trying to get ayy lmao closed, report him
since the other way leads to the corridor with basilisks, i suppose that game is trying to tell me "haha there's no bonfire before this boss battle so you'll have to go all the way down through all those rats after you die"
also how the hell do i get used to bigger weapons. i'm using longsword whole game and i get sick of using anything slower
i tried to play with one hand claymore (i have str for that) but i don't really like it
not even talking about zweihänder.
why is arin like the only person from dotabuff I have 95% win rate with in like 30 games
to kill this THING
i even barely deal any damage, he ran over me and i died kek
but i didn't notice any big attacks through those 10% damage that i dealt to him
ok nice i found a shortcut

okay i killed him on 2nd attempt lul.

Pre-ordered Dark Souls 3, if it is going to be like Dark Souls 2 then I'm satisfied
unblockable poison/bleeding/something worse arrows nice
unblockable ghouls that decide to eat me and take half of my hp away nice
ok i got slapped by some pink mess with a corpse on a stick and died because it apparently penetrates chainmail armor
ah every single shit that i killed respawns NICE
actually one more death and i'll try to do something in forest
cool story bro very interesting totally worth posting
Is Arin actually autist? I'm just curious
i just remembered why did i give up on darkroot basin last time

i'm trying to move past this cat shit
man stfu
Fail gif oh well
plz no more BibleThump