First and foremost, listen to Biggie while playing Techies. You walk to offlane with 2x +3 str items needed for soul ring 2x clarities and usually 1 set of tangoes so u can harass and gain a lil bit of hp to not get really low. You're ULTRA annoying in lane because of your attack range. You're very good vs heroes like aa shaman or lion.
I usually dont put a point on statis trap till lvl 11.
-also bud you should use remote mines at the hard camp/small camp if there's no ward but small camp spot is dangerous becausw enemy pos5 usuallu places a sentry there. You stack up around 6-8 remote mines at the camp and I guess u know what to do next with the mines lul
In general, enemy tends to place sentries in front of your towers so I recommend u to place remote mines behind towers(outer towers t1 t2).
Techies is one of the best heroes that can cut creep waves anytime/anywhere on map. You stack up 2 remote mines and use them later on so u should pay attention to the map. You usually focus on 2 lanes (mid/side top or bot) to be more efficient. You can focus mainly on 1 lane too to push it to max by stacking multiple 2x r mines. Later on if u get aghs u need only 1 r mine to cut waves which is great.
imagine living
thats a hard one
imagine imagination
imagine being a dotabuff mod
imagine being a lvl. 36 slav
imagine being a lvl. 1 crook like you
i already imagined myself but what's next
We have harmed Dotabuff long enough. It's time we let this thread die
wishy washy
whysd ai so hard
ayy lmao is like some meat that you try to flush down the toilet but it just wont go down
why would u ever flush out meat
do you refer to crap as meat?
Just gonna immortalize myself in it's pages.
david bowie forsenKEK
Pokimane 2 hours ago
Whats happening over here
how do you spam techies without getting in low prio?
I win and have fun. I dont tilt team mates but i tilt enemy using greevil laughter. Also I'm god tier techies and people know that.
Aimstrong is back???
kinda yes
teach me your ways lol
u always gonna get lp, just play something different inbetween to reduce reports
DAE watch food videos on youtube? I'm SUCH a foodie LOL!
dae watch tiktok cringe compilations on youtube? subscripe to pewdiepie!
dae school??
hello where is the computer scientist pro lecturer i need help
ânyone studing economics?
this is stem masterrace only buddy sorry!
Only pc related stuff
Economics is for unemployment
economics has a lot of math btw, if you do not know it, it is your problem
Nå er det deeeet
yeah econ maths is pretty rough
kappppa i passed all econ tests easy
(i cheated)
Economists = future unemployment
Doesnt matter how much effort u put on learning maths
First and foremost, listen to Biggie while playing Techies. You walk to offlane with 2x +3 str items needed for soul ring 2x clarities and usually 1 set of tangoes so u can harass and gain a lil bit of hp to not get really low. You're ULTRA annoying in lane because of your attack range. You're very good vs heroes like aa shaman or lion.
I usually dont put a point on statis trap till lvl 11.
-also bud you should use remote mines at the hard camp/small camp if there's no ward but small camp spot is dangerous becausw enemy pos5 usuallu places a sentry there. You stack up around 6-8 remote mines at the camp and I guess u know what to do next with the mines lul
In general, enemy tends to place sentries in front of your towers so I recommend u to place remote mines behind towers(outer towers t1 t2).
Techies is one of the best heroes that can cut creep waves anytime/anywhere on map. You stack up 2 remote mines and use them later on so u should pay attention to the map. You usually focus on 2 lanes (mid/side top or bot) to be more efficient. You can focus mainly on 1 lane too to push it to max by stacking multiple 2x r mines. Later on if u get aghs u need only 1 r mine to cut waves which is great.
wauw anime person
didnt think about the wave cutting at all, also i was stacking mines at stairs and shrines didnt think about the camps lol
thanks for the tips
Pre-Aimstrong: Lvl. 35 Slav
Post-Aimstrong: Lvl 99 Boss
economy is like one of three courses i got the best grade in and it wasnt even hard
^economics does not start until you go into the masters when the math hits good
Economy felt more like History because professor kept talking about 2008's crisis and economy growth of US between 1900s and 2018
yeah economy is well known here for u dont need to attend any course and 1 week before exam u just read the slides and its enough to pass
statistics aint even maths bruhs ngl here if u disagree just check the statistics u get me im out