General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    happy birthday!


      you can drive legally now, congratulations


        oh boy few days until I become dissapointment for my parents 19 years straight


          hey arin I stopped playing dota and I still have no gf or 6 digit salary

          maybe I would play again cuz I have nothing to lose

          Totentanz to The King: M ...
            Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

              I can already drive
              I just have a probationary license meaning some restrictions like curfew and passengers
              Now I can apply for a full license


                hey arin I stopped playing dota and I still have no gf or 6 digit salary

                maybe I would play again cuz I have nothing to lose

                good thinking


                  rip, we lost


                    party of hell


                      these were the best


                        is emotionaldrift even toxic though
                        never played with any of eu cucks but he seems pretty chill


                          alenari im lvl 21 rn i guess in 2 weeks i can join


                            question is what bracket it will put me into, since i assume ill put me in the bracket when i unlocked bcup and not the bracket i first calibrated, we might not be able to play anyway


                              i believe u should be able to check your bcup tier with developer 1; dota_game_account_client_debug
                              should show smth like tournament_skill_lvl: 8


                                it's vertoxity and/or bogi who are in lowprio, emotialdrift is just a bro and helping them out


                                  doesnt matter how low u are, even archons can play t8 if they have at least a t7 player

                                  unless something changed


                                    [Developer] account_id: 861087043
                                    [Developer] wins: 123
                                    [Developer] losses: 74
                                    [Developer] xp: 0
                                    [Developer] level: 1
                                    [Developer] initial_skill: 102
                                    [Developer] leaver_count: 0
                                    [Developer] low_priority_until_date: 0
                                    [Developer] prevent_text_chat_until_date: 1521927927
                                    [Developer] prevent_voice_until_date: 1521927927
                                    [Developer] last_abandoned_game_date: 1521371794
                                    [Developer] leaver_penalty_count: 0
                                    [Developer] completed_game_streak: 58
                                    [Developer] teaching: 107
                                    [Developer] leadership: 107
                                    [Developer] friendly: 107
                                    [Developer] forgiving: 107
                                    [Developer] account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                    [Developer] account_disabled_count: 0
                                    [Developer] match_disabled_until_date: 0
                                    [Developer] match_disabled_count: 0
                                    [Developer] partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                    [Developer] low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                    [Developer] calibration_games_remaining: 9
                                    [Developer] solo_competitive_rank: 4523
                                    [Developer] solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                    [Developer] recruitment_level: 0
                                    [Developer] has_new_notifications: true
                                    [Developer] is_league_admin: false
                                    [Developer] secondary_leaver_count: 0
                                    [Developer] last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 0
                                    [Developer] casual_games_played: 102
                                    [Developer] solo_competitive_games_played: 91
                                    [Developer] party_competitive_games_played: 1
                                    [Developer] casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                    [Developer] competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                    [Developer] curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 89
                                    [Developer] play_time_points: 61
                                    [Developer] account_flags: 1
                                    [Developer] play_time_level: 50
                                    [Developer] prevent_public_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                    [Developer] favorite_team: 0
                                    [Developer] anchored_phone_number_id: 7225960465096844076
                                    [Developer] ranked_matchmaking_ban_until_date: 1521400959
                                    [Developer] recent_game_time_1: 1521926763
                                    [Developer] recent_game_time_2: 1521919483
                                    [Developer] recent_game_time_3: 1521916003
                                    [Developer] general_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 0
                                    [Developer] general_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
                                    [Developer] solo_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 0
                                    [Developer] solo_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
                                    [Developer] favorite_team_packed: 0
                                    [Developer] recent_report_time: 1521922723
                                    [Developer] custom_game_disabled_until_date: 0
                                    [Developer] recent_win_time_1: 1521926763
                                    [Developer] recent_win_time_2: 1521919483
                                    [Developer] recent_win_time_3: 1521916003
                                    [Developer] behavior_score: Normal

                                    seems i get my tier when im lvl 25, FeelsBadMan


                                      nvm actually im dumb, i mean if u were to get ur tier assigned as soon as u calibrate ranked, everybody would be tier 5/6 (whatever 3.5k is)


                                        i have absolutely no idea how we managed to win this


                                          4/5/12 goal x D

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            im getting really, and i mean R E A L L Y tired of getting matched against people whose profile looks like this

                                            best of all i seem to get them almost exclusively in the enemy team, i played against at least 10 this week and my team had mb 2 i think(and we still lost) - i dont think thats how statistics are supposed to work! =)

                                            not arin

                                              totally didnt complain about that like two weeks ago btw

                                              4/5/12 goal x D

                                              i was oracle

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                dont remember u mentioning it anywhere

                                                not arin

                                                  3 weeks ago actually

                                                  time sure flies


                                                    time flies even faster if u dont play dota

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      why is that every1 who doesnt play dota has to constantly mention how they dont play dota?
                                                      like, dont u guys have a busy and fulfilling life to live now?


                                                        yes and we need to save other people from gaming addiction too!!!!

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Haha you plebs still play dota? I quit dota exactly 3 days ago and I have already had sexual intercourse with 7 different females, gotten offers from 3 different companies with 6 digit salaries (not to mention the company car) and I got my first Oscar, starring in a McD commercial.


                                                            honestly, I'd still play dota if I had more close friends playing it on the level close to me or aimstrong. But with how it is we just get frustrated. It's more fun to play a game where everybody can pull off something, and where your personal skill matters more than in dota.

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                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                oh i almost forgot about this one


                                                                  flo do u want to paly today

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                      ^this is called the "veil aghs huskar" game

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon





                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              I lost and the enemy team said gg waaa BabyRage

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                haha u sure got me with ur on-point deconstruction sam! =)

                                                                                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd


                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    hehe i got you good indeed




                                                                                        pl uses agh lance
                                                                                        terror uses Q
                                                                                        suddenly entire game lags for one second


                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          that game was so fucking funny actually. especially that fight in EG's base. what a clown fiesta.


                                                                                            it's not easy to be an eg fan

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              honestly EG plays like a one-trick rn. when their strat works it looks fucking easy but when it doesnt they just get shat on really hard.


                                                                                                They never looked flexible ever since ppd left imo


                                                                                                  Their laning is actually the most flexible shit I've ever seen
                                                                                                  They either abuse Chen and roflstomp at 20 min or fall flat