General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      we got him banned OMEGALUL


        he said pedophiles come to his stream and jerk off to him, sadly all clips got deleted since he got banned

        also he kept explaining some stuff on his whiteboard, apparently when u are a child you are a triangle and when u get older u form an ego and become a square

        D the Superior
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            fuck ds3 mages

            D the Superior
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                PUT ZE BABY IN ZE OVEN

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                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  underground jungle is the most cancerous area in the entire game, i was building a plantera arena for 2 hours and still havent finished because in addition to hornets+skelly archers(worst shit ever) theres literally an endless line of bats coming my way with 3-5 bats in pack and they do nothign except cancel my regen and put their shitty debuff

                  the fact that arena is like ~100k m^2 so all the possible encounters spawn in it and charge me doesnt help either

                  nevermind that its the only area(except regular caverns at the start of the game) that u HAVE to spend an extended amount of time in to progress and its completely untraversable without at least bezoar + regen + shine at all times

                  casual gamer

                    i didnt need an arena any bigger than this

                    at the time i was using discs of light/shadowflame knives for mobs and it trivialized them, although they were annoying when i was digging, i used peace pots i think

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      mine is roughly the same size(i had a tiny one but got killed in 2nd form because i had space to dodge), the mobs aren't the problem combat-wise(tbh, barely anything is if u take food+regen+ironskin with u, adding hunter makes any biome a cakewalk, i expected expert hardmode to be A LOT less forgiving), but they're [e x t r e m e l y ] annoying, for each 5 seconds spent digging/placing platforms i spend 5 seconds disposing of another pack of bats and then another 5 seconds getting rid of archers/hornets dropping straight on my head all the while having to constantly expend potions to be able to keep working

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        wtf is this terraria game. i saw a guy who was doing an "all weapons speedrun" and he didnt finish after 23 hours and just quit. what even is the purpose of the game

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          I bought terarria, couldn't figure out how to play the game, and never played it again

                          Yes, I have IQ of a banana and couldn't be bothered to trying to figure things out

                          casual gamer

                            u go fight bosses

                            u can hand items to the guide and he tells u everything it turns into and the recipe

                            the only thing i got spoiled on the game was how to fight the wall of flesh and what the final boss was, and i beat the game. started using wiki probably 60% into the game

                            casual gamer

                              yeah i had shroomite digging claw and i sectioned out my digging so tehre were walls between me and the mobs almost always, only annoying one is the dickhead plant that goes thru walls

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                the plant was the least annoying for me actually

                                casual gamer

                                  my least favorite part of the jungle biome is actually killing 100 turtles so i can get beetle armor

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    nevermind summoned the boss for the 2nd time and she despawned while i was luring her into the arina even though i was moving at the pace of a lethargic 80yr old grandma who had a heart attack not 30 minutes ago xD

                                    this is now a jungle appreciation thread

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      this is legit the worst boss to summon and prepare for only bested by pre-celestial tablet moon lord where u had to regrind the entire event each time u die

                                      casual gamer

                                        after the fifth lunar invasion on expert i literally gave up and used the nurse

                                        im currently waiting for a goblin invasion that will never come. goblin scouts are not spawning

                                        casual gamer

                                          nvm found a scout 4 more to go haHAA

                                          also the first time i played this game it took me like 10 hours to beat plantera because he kept dumpstering me and i ran out of bulbs. on expert i beat him on my first try but almost died because his little shits kept stopping me shield charge. next time im bringing a fucking ninja tabi

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            u cant have shroomite prior to plantera
                                            u cant have ninja belt prior to plantera either

                                            casual gamer

                                              can u not get the autohammerer prior to plantera? bnecause i know you can get chlorophyte with the pickaxe axe

                                              if i didnt have shroomite i had the pickaxe axe. ur right you cant get tabi before plantera because the jungle doesnt spawn ninjas though, which really sucks because iwanted a tabi for my plantera fight

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                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                also whyd u ever hunt scouts when the goblins are super likely to come themselves after 200 hp + nothing the goblin sells/does is essential to progressing(reforging doesnt even matter prior to hardmode) unless ure right before killing wall

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i literally have everything done except no tinkerer, 30 stack of rage/endurance potions, all components for lightning boots and sandstorm in a balloon, frog legs and a decent amount of crates but the goblins aRE NOT SPAWNING

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    u can get chloro but the autism mushroom only sells the hammer after plantera and dungeon upgrades after plantera

                                                    i actually attempted to fight plantera with hallowed crossbow because for some reason i thought u cant get all 3 arrows from chloro crossbow to hit one target but apparently u can so this might be super easy
                                                    (provided i find another bulb that is =) )

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      send help

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        wow tough luck i always had goblins spawn around the time i looted dungeon
                                                        but then again i was super slow and spent tons of time doing useless shit like trying to get silver armor boots and cloud before even fighting the eye

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          yeah ive always used shotbow with holy for him

                                                          if u wanna steamroll use daedalus bow with holy and high ceiling

                                                          the wiki says bulbs regrow near where u break them after a day or two but i dont think ive ever seen this happen

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            actually whys plantera still the only boss in the game with such a fucked up summoning way i scanned half the jungle with clement-inator and theres no fucking bulb to be found i did everything except building a house for the mushroom what do i do now asdasdefdffef234gt4gsdwdc

                                                            mode done

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              guess its time to grind some fancy dyes/outfits or build another abomination with 0 practical use

                                                              or just play dota

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                              casual gamer

                                                                go look for ankh shield stuff/paladin shield imo

                                                                or craft golden shower if u dont have it

                                                                should only be a day or two, do u have sundial?

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  oh wait u cant get paladin shield because u havent killed plantera xd

                                                                  ive done it

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    indie gameS LULW

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      actually yes i do have sundial but i dont wanna use it only to get bloodmooned the enxt day so idk

                                                                      got ankh already and ive got corruption

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      casual gamer


                                                                        yeah i like saving the sundial for eclipses

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          how does the fucking kill gld work i dont ven know anymore

                                                                          for ages if somebody killed me and then i kill them with dot/projectile/whatever i got less gold than the other guy
                                                                          but now im ganked by 3 people, manage to kill the guy and despite him being higher level and me and having 2 goons by his side he gets 2x the gold for my kill than i do for his


                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            multiple factors i think:

                                                                            kill sprees still grant extra gold, albeit less compared to the old version
                                                                            hero levels still affect it
                                                                            networth of the hero you kill
                                                                            networth of the dying and killing hero relative to their teammates (the most farmed hero gets less gold when they kill a hero and the least farmed heroes give less gold)

                                                                            it used to be fucking simple to calculate, not i just dont even pay attention to the numbers because of the assist gold and other stuff.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              when someone kills u they usually get an extra level + nw so i should get more if im the 2nd one to get the kill

                                                                              and in that game sf was i think a level ahead of me and surely had way higher nw

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                i think i figured it out boys

                                                                                kill gold for ur enemies: nw*99999999
                                                                                kill gold for u: "are u killing a hero with a godlike strea whos 10 levels head of u?" yes: 1000 gold / no : 0 gold

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  here's the thing: there is a thing called "assist gold" in this game. all you have to do is be passing by as a kill happens and you get gold. if you get the kill after you die, you don't get this "assist gold". that's why it's lower for you. this is true for experience as well. even though the killer gets exp/gold with zeus/tinker, they would get more if the kill actually happened in exp range.
                                                                                  also some advanced tip: being "banished" (disruption, astral, phase shift and infest) prevents you from getting assist gold.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    woah i love sam now (he is very high skilled 😂)

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      this doesnt explain why i got less gold killing sf whos at least 1 lv above me 1v3 when i killed him first


                                                                                        maybe its because ure below 5k xD (no blue star rating 😂) -1 gold for every mmr missing to 5k 😂😂😂

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          if my speculations are correct then im exactly 3 wins away from "blue star rating" but i got 100 gold less than him, 75 gold vs 200 kinda doesnt add up

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            i mean


                                                                                              man someone threw a snowball at my window HYPERBRUH im being attaCKED HELP

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...



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