General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    show for u guys



        installing of linux on dual boot went great
        it has continuous <1fps spikes because apparently my 1060gtx isnt supported by default and needs some drivers and we've put in like 5 of them with the guy who helped me install it and none of them worked so far

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          its kind of easy to see but it lasts too lnog, and they re not even sort of :wow how stupid is this lol" funny


            i think im gonna go to uni and use their slides, thats how bored i am


              Jay the Bird

                lmao yall got slides in your uni?


                  "im so proud of you for running today"

                  enough said about the author of those posts

                  < blank >

                    you need slides to comfort the autistic kids i mean students


                      bronies: even in fiction social outcasts without noticing it. great


                        "im so proud of you for running today"

                        that quote is tightly related to the character saying it


                          sliders create an illusion that you as a prof prepared for the lecture, while actually u woke up 30 mins ago with a terrible hangover, and spent 5 mins on making basic slides and editting them

                          < blank >



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                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      Пусть θ = {t1 /x1 , . . . , tn /xn} и λ = {u1 /y1 , . . . , um /ym} — две
                                      Композицией θ и λ называют подстановку θ ◦ λ, которая
                                      получается из множества
                                      {t1λ /x1 , . . . , tnλ /xn , u1 /y1 , . . . , um /ym}
                                      вычёркиванием всех элементов tjλ /xj, для которых tjλ = xj,
                                      а также всех элементов ui /yi, таких, что yi ∈ {x1 , . . . , xn}.


                                        is that linear algebra


                                          its (relatively) basic linear algebra

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            its not linear algebra


                                              для меня подстановки привязаны к теории полей, которая в свою очередь обычно относится к линалу
                                              тебе это в рамках матана преподавали?

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                это какой-то метод резолюций в теории предикатов, который надо знать, чтобы сделать лабу и там страниц 10 подобного дерьма


                                                  по-моему, это определение композиции подстановок :/


                                                    я даже не знаю, что такое теория предикатов

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      lmao yall got slides in your uni?

                                                      yea we got these things


                                                        а, все, знаю
                                                        это же простейшие логические функции, верно?
                                                        ты на программировании?

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            Jamann: ember has ADHS?
                                                            Maud: more dmg
                                                            Low priority KING: worst voker who lost against ember mid
                                                            Maud: than
                                                            Jejo Skeef: tnx god i have report for this razor
                                                            Maud: fucking ember
                                                            Denzel Washington: EZZ FARM EZZ B0T
                                                            Low priority KING: deserve -25
                                                            Denzel Washington: GL NEXT
                                                            Maud: 13k mid
                                                            Maud: stronk
                                                            Maud: u dont know why?
                                                            Maud: really
                                                            Maud: u cant be that dumb
                                                            Maud: when u ninja mid what do u expect?
                                                            Jamann: invoker farming build and jugg farming
                                                            Jamann: was hard with 1 underfarmed slardar and 2 supports
                                                            Denzel Washington: Y EZZ FARM RF0E ME
                                                            Denzel Washington: EZZ B0T
                                                            Denzel Washington: LUL

                                                            put into the toxic pool monkaS


                                                              anyone got F behavior score?

                                                              < blank >

                                                                ask hanter

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  i played 3 games but still want graded in console
                                                                  i dont tink every1 got conduct summaries the next day after patch so idk what im doing wrong it still says "normal"


                                                                    normal = best possible


                                                                      normal skill

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        might be my luck but it looks like the quality of my teammates decreased drastically since the update, even with chat muted

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          anyone got F behavior score?

                                                                          i have D+

                                                                          and 5 games lpq for this:

                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                   wow raid with british morons


                                                                              u cant get lp from 5 stack games lol

                                                                              < blank >

                                                                                if siltbreaker still works we can abuse it for easy behavior score, just like the last time we used dark moon to purge reports


                                                                                  can u share me some film streaming resources where i could watch lucifer s3? the only russian ones where its alrdy uploaded have it dubbed, and its quite awful.

                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                    streams instead of torrenting LUL

                                                                                    < blank >

                                                                                      new episodes are always in english until the german version comes online

                                                                                      < blank >

                                                                                        south park s21 episode 4 will be live in a few hours


                                                                                          i get a 403 Forbidden error when i try to follow the link

                                                                                          the website isnt banned here, it looks like it denies access by itself

                                                                                          < blank >

                                                                                            but can you access the openload link?

                                                                                            < blank >
