General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    слава украини

    Jay the Bird

      how does this shadow amulet afk at bounties work
      do i have to take the rune like every 5 minutes or will i be fine if i just leave and let people farm the nearby camps

      Yowai Mo

        i don't think he is creating any content beside of the burning cockroach video that was fun lol


          bullshit hes creating memes all the time

          this is the first time i felt unconditional love


            did u buy ur hoodie?


              n im buying it in a store next week friday


                with ears?



                    no i dont wanna look like this


                      it could be cute :3


                        I have the best Snapchat username ever

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Should I wait 3 hours at school for the class to start or go out and do stuff elsewhere? It's raining though and I only have a tee on.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            skip it


                              are classes importnat at uni btw? ive read/heard several times that theres close to no point going to classes at uni


                                слава россии

                                поркошенко оинк оинк

                                слава беркут, хероии украини

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                meteor hammer

                                  even my behavior score is 4k zz

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    I cant skip first week. Well around 50% of the people dont come to most classes and most classes have 50-60% fail rate so. Also they take attendance and i have no friends to sign for me

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      You can not attend classes and ask your friend to sign attendance for you if you can keep up with whatever they're teaching

                                      me, government hooker

                                        3 days until school starts and ive only been going to sleep at 6 am for the past 3 weeks
                                        what do monkaS

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Don't sleep until it's normal sleeping time 👌

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            at home ive been going to bed at 2-5(during ti)am and waking up at 12+am up until the very last day but when i moved to dorm again i isntantly fixed my sleep schedule to 1pm-9am
                                            dont worry too much about it as long as u set an alarm

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              A lot of people skip classes because they upload the powerpoints online anyways. A lot of classes I've had tried to discourage this with iClickers, (not sure if they have this in other countries) take attendance, or have people answer a simple question on a piece of scrap paper and hand it in at the end of class.

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                it depends on ur uni/institute directors rly
                                                we take attendance and our institute director is an attendance fanatic but ive skipped like 1/3 of classes last year and noone cared

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  as long as u sumbit everything in time, have decent grades and dont skip too much u should be fine


                                                    how many students do u have in ur cs courses??

                                                    im starting as one of close to 1000 cs students at my uni

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      A lot of the first year courses at my university had around 1000 students, but they were divided up into different lectures that would usually have 150-200 people in them. The courses branch out to smaller classes in the upper years as they cover more specific topics, with some as small as under 20 people.

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        idk i never was rly interested in it since it doesnt matter we have like 5 cs/cs-ish specialties i think, 4 years on each but data security course with 5 yrs, 2 groups in most of them and like 30-40% drop out each subsequent year + some specialties are more/less popular or have lower drop out rates so its hard to tell

                                                        what matter is the amount of students in ur group if u have a system like us where u sit in from of ur professor and try to "defend" ur work as opposed to just emailing them, we had 2 groups with ~15 students in each last year and it was hard enough but this year morons from deanery merged us and now we have 29 people in group all trying to pass a total of 32 labs this semester to 1-2 professors))))


                                                          defend? like a phd? wow! u guys smart!


                                                            i mean yeah ik u become a smaller and smaller class over the years but still idk how u wanna check the attendance of 200 ppl

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              and the worst thing about it is not just the fact that it is physically impossible for every1 to pass everything and that at least half of the group will get fucked as a result, its also the fact that our group is trying to help their more "hapless"(read: fuckers that didnt submit the first lab in 3 weeks) comrades by giving them queue priority thus not letting other people advance

                                                              me and another guy have done 3 dm labs in 3 weeks and the dm class where u can defend ur labs is in 3 hours but we dont even know if we should show up there because theres at least 5 morons who havent submitted ANYTHING yet, theyre given priority today and they didnt even do the 1st lab completely, only the first half)))))

                                                              team quite literally holding me back

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                They usually don't in classes that big, though I had them try once where there was attendance sheet at the front that people signed before/after the lecture. I don't know how your schools worked, but mine usually had a large lecture where the prof would talk, then we'd usually have a tutorial section divided up into 20-30 people each section, where the different teaching assistants (usually PhD students) would review the lecture, do some in-class group work, and answer individual questions on the lecture. That's usually when attendance is taken, and the teaching assistants will evaluate your participation and that'll be usually 10% of your overall course mark.

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  i mean yeah ik u become a smaller and smaller class over the years but still idk how u wanna check the attendance of 200 ppl

                                                                  each group has a starosta(like a class leader who is a link between the group and the deanery/other officials and is constantly fucked in the ass by both parties) that has an attendance journal, they check the attendance of their group(easy to do) and then pass it to the deanery or smth

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    They give you a paper. You sign it and pass it on.

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      do people even get veil on ember anymore? i feel like since the spellamp nerf its kinda redundant when u could have aquila+travels/half of mael by that time and u dont get as much from nulls as qop

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Do you even take that talent anymore? Feels like 30 damage is better. You can still go for Euls and stuff anyway.

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          dont think u do, they cut almost 50% of what the talent used to be + they nerfed his lategame talent tree so u cant have cdr+q duration anymore

                                                                          i played like 2 ember games since 7.00 though so i have no idea

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            mmm uni sounds like fun))


                                                                              ember seems pretty underwhelming since magic amp nerfs but people are still owning with him and im not really sure how they do it

                                                                              also anyone wants to play party mm today? i'm going home for the weekend


                                                                                yeah invite me sweetheart


                                                                                  Der Kreuzplatz in Zürich, abends um acht.
                                                                                  Die Migros hat seit einer stunde geschlossen, der coop gleich neben an ist noch offen bis um neun.
                                                                                  die kunden nutzen das angebot und kaufen ein. Salat und milch und brot so sache. Bruuchts das nach de achte no go ihhkaufe? "Also jo I bruch da scho Weil ich schaffe so lang un denne". ähhhm znacht warum nach de achte? "weils weil ich schaffe bis jetzt". Was hend sie kauft? "GETROCKNETE BANANEN"
                                                                                  Warum gönd sie nach de achte no go ihhkaufe? WILLI GLUSCHT GHA HANNN


                                                                                    tfw no emilia gf


                                                                                      ember has nasty sex with storm


                                                                                        is it worth going on some uni weekend in late oktober with 20 folks doing activities that suggest high level of testosterone in the sleeping rooms?


                                                                                          Excess screen time leads to autism-like traits, including poorer quality friendships and fewer social skills
                                                                                          Kara Vickery, Health Reporter, The Courier-Mail
                                                                                          September 22, 2017 2:00pm
                                                                                          Subscriber only
                                                                                          CHILDREN who spend too much time in front of screens and on social media risk developing autism-like traits, Queensland research has found.

                                                                                          A Sunshine Coast University (SCU) study found people who spent the most time in front of a screen browsing Facebook exhibited some of the traits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including an inability to read facial emotions.

                                                                                          They also had poorer quality friendships and fewer social skills, which are traits associated with ASD. Experts suggested excessive screen time was capable of altering developing brains.

                                                                                          SCU psychology lecturer Rachael Sharman said the study, which compared people who grew up without Facebook with those for whom the social media site had always been part of their lives, had found “stark differences” in people’s ability to understand facial emotions.

                                                                                          “We found very clear links between the longer you were on (Facebook), and some of the different motivations for being on there, lead to poorer emotion recognition,” she said.

                                                                                          Dr Sharman said the emotional recognition impairment could have a range of consequences later in life, such as not understanding when someone was lying and an inability to tolerate differences of opinion.

                                                                                          uh oh guys

                                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                            Better late than never

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              if ure spending time on facebook ure probably a moron so yea the ladys correct

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              Yowai Mo


                                                                                                Yowai Mo


                                                                                                  Yowai Mo
