General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    swooping is bad


      nice guide

      me, government hooker

        see sponki
        did ur fish sell?


          didnt sell all yet, but its 34g/each so its ok

          got ~100-150 in ah still (of ~400)


            and i made about 50k yesterday by buying enchants + potions and selling obliterum

            me, government hooker

              ye its fine

              me, government hooker

                i bought so much leather and silk there hasnt been any on the ah for the past 2 dayys


                  x D


                    are u on a big english server or nah?

                    me, government hooker

                      medium pop at all times
                      so not that big i think


                        "keyboard was a piano"


                          x D

                          me, government hooker

                            2 hrs played at 110 xD

                            too bad it sucks i think

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              hey thats pretty good i thought it was in the "le my team so bad xD" line but got bamboozled

                              El Pepe



                                  fuck URSLELF i still dont have one


                                    god is real?

                                    bring back my yesterday

                                      best hotwheels player god himself ywnishki

                                      meteor hammer

                                        ? get me out of this fucking mmr avg

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          Johnny_the_Goat [score hidden] an hour ago

                                          I want a "do not match me with..." option. There would be tickboxes like -"...people I reported before", "...anyone with cyrillic in their nickname", "... anyone who types cyrillic in chat", "...anyone that has more than 5 abandons in the last 25 matches". I would even be willing to wait like 15-20 minutes for a game as long as it's good

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            Johnny_the_Goat [score hidden] an hour ago

                                            When it comes to ignorance, stubborness and arrogance, Russians are the Americans of Europe. Even IRL. I met a lot of nationalities in an exchange program in the US last summer and all the countries spoke English, sat together no problems, except Chinese and Russians. Even the fucking Chinese, who had problems communicating with the rest of us in English (understandably) tried from time to time. I never spoke to any Russian there. The only time I got any attention whatsoever, was when I was in a group of Moldovans who speak Russian as well, when I mentioned with my broken, half improvised Russian that I can understand it a little bit (western slav), thats when was the only time I talked with a Russian. When they noticed I only understand like 30-40% of what they're saying, they resumed ignoring me again. A table of about 6 different nationalities together, the 3 Russians only talk to each other, while everyone else speaks English and has a good time.

                                            Kinda sums up their attitude. Idk if it's the propaganda brainwash they have back home, or what.

                                            And when it comes to politics, it's funny how they think they're on par with the US. Like they're the two superpowers. The problem with that is they're just a poor, brainwashed shithole, only relevant cause they have nukes.

                                            But then again, I'm from a former commie country, so the hatred for russians in in my DNA.

                                            Yowai Mo

                                              wall of text, tl;dr (once again)

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                i type in russian/cyrillic 80% of my games but im not rus? time to make a reddit post about this supposed injustice

                                                Yowai Mo

                                                  because reddit opinions matter

                                                    Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                      ye i wionder why


                                                        cz its boring

                                                        me, government hooker

                                                          anotha one


                                                            this page fucking sucks


                                                              how, why do i have none? i rly dont understand that

                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                i got 3 on rogue 3 on mage 1 on warr

                                                                just play the game u get 2 legendaries in less than 1 week


                                                                  this may be just about the worst page we've ever had. including page 971

                                                                  me, government hooker



                                                                      like what am i supposed to do

                                                                      i do all raids every week, i do every daily, i do all daily quests that contain a piece of armor/blood

                                                                      and ive been doing this since WoD launch


                                                                        legion launch sry wrong addon

                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                          u resubd yesterday

                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                            the chance for first 2 legendaries has been greatly increased since 7.0

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              theres bad luck protection too, and it keeps stacking up whenever u dont get legendary from emisary/raids/mythics etc


                                                                                well but u werent playing the whole time either were u?


                                                                                  fuck man I just built an anime car or some shit... it's like that dude from ywn avatar XD

                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                    no thats what im saying i got my mage to 110 like 8-9 days ago and in 5 days i tihink i got 2x legendaries, and the 3rd today in hc tos


                                                                                      finally spotify detecting that im smart

                                                                                      me, government hooker

                                                                                        only cloth, free loot OMEGALUL


                                                                                          gs? take me to pugs pls, im 860 warrior LUL

                                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                                            its guild run

                                                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                                                              new page inc

                                                                                              Yowai Mo


                                                                                                Yowai Mo
