General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    yea i forgot to add the squares are all set lenght/width

    D the Superior
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        i guess it would be quite similar to broodforcing the solution, but just check where u can put a rectangle between the smaller rectangles and compare their sizes

        every rectangle you create, has to edge on one rectangle on every site

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          it would be pretty hard to implement and yea thats basically brute force too, there are tons of rectangles u can put that way


            justuse edges of existing shapes and see if u can connect a line between edges,(aka not blocked another shape) and then calculate all the areas? idk that is basically brute forcing it but I cant think of anything else


              yeah i guess all solutions are bruteforce on a bigger or smaller scale


                im already regretting signing up for cs again
                there's no way i can graduate from cs

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  actually ur suggestion gave me an idea that is kida brute-ish, but at the same time not and it kind of fits the concept of dividing the task into smaller pieces

                  u start at (0,0), move in all directions to try and grab as much rectangular space as u can until u cant expand anywhere, then u assign all the points uve grabbed the resulting area value(and if its bigger than the biggestarea so far, remember it), find the uncovered point where that value = 0(which means it wasnt grabbed by any sqare yet), repeat, then when all points are grabbed, the max area u remembered would be the answer

                  im not sure it will always work, it won't find the biggest possible area for every point from the start, but it should after u run through all the points

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                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    justuse edges of existing shapes and see if u can connect a line between edges,(aka not blocked another shape) and then calculate all the areas? idk that is basically brute forcing it but I cant think of anything else

                    there is more than one way to do so, and u can't tell which one would yield the largest area at any point in time



                      when one of your teammates flames you for being lvl 4 and not afk jungling on a roaming enchant you know you're in normal skill

                      ok sorry for killing mid twice bro

                      meteor hammer

                        cant spell ignorance without nor mal skill


                          and what if the opposite side of the starting edge for example yields the biggest rectangle?

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                            sir i got my a back in computerscience today just give me ur exercise ill do it in 5minutes LOL !


                              cant win without losing


                                just a thought
                                u can use all the starting edges and u shud get every rectangular space then just find the max area, but that is just brute forcing it rlly

                                meteor hammer

                                  i dont want to stress about losing 6k or whatever

                                  i think i can coast up to high 4k low 5k then grind a bit but not as much pressure as before. plus i can be zdonfrank 2 kreygasm



                                    siltbreaker in german

                                    < blank >

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        i think the solution ive found after spunkis suggestion is the correct one, or at least feasible, it brutes all the field but it doesnt brute what it already has as it would if i checked all the points/edges/rectangles, and i think it finds the largest area correctly, or atleast it did on my test

                                        the other problem is to correctly determine which area is covered and which is not, but i think i figured it out too - ill mark the point (x,y) as "bad", if the 1x1 square u get from moving right and down from it is covered, then when i try to grab more area with this algorithm:
                                        1)go right from a starting point (x,y) until u reach the border/a bad point, add it to ur area and stop
                                        2)go down one tile at the time and check if ur bottom border contains a bad point, if it does, add it and stop
                                        3)go left and check left border until bad point, if u reach a bad point, stop without adding it
                                        4)go up, same rules as left

                                        u get some area value for all the points u grabbed, and if it's not the largest, then there's some point u haven't grabbed and it will either be grabbed later or serve as a new starting point
                                        in the endu do not only get the largest area on the field, but u for any point u should also get the largest possible area that would contain it

                                        implementing it will still be a nightmare though but luckily i don't have to do it all right now, i guess if i just sketch the algorithm, data structures and some functions theyll give me a pass

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                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          damn im so smart

                                          < blank >

                                            not really, you are russian

                                            D the Superior
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                                                  Im bad at programming LUL

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    the whole boris channel is concentrated cringe


                                                      why is programming hard? its literally just converting a logical order into a chain of commands in a certain language

                                                      < blank >



                                                          finally some recommended videos appropiate for my high intelligence

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            mr degrasse tyson is full of shit
                                                            no wonder hes an idol of "very smart" edgy kids


                                                              why did u put the "very smart" into quotation marks? im very smart btw

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                what if there was a red ward that lit up if the enemy team had vision in a small aoe around the ward? 2 min duration 50 gold 1 per 5 mins :thinking:

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  im sure we are all "exceptionally gifted" and have "high iqs"


                                                                    that's what i was told since i was 4 but look what ive become now


                                                                      u know what kinda ppl are smart? the once who dont say they're smart, you gotta do it lowkey like me

                                                                      ure all retarded btw hahaa

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        weeb retard?

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          jokes on u smart ppl dont play dota

                                                                          (and especially not 11k games of dota)

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            ok im not gonna count the posts now so ill just unload the rest of those terrible pics over time


                                                                              autists play do something for 10k hours without batting an eye

                                                                              u know what autists are? smart (sometimes at least, or retarded i guess)




                                                                                  weeb retard?

                                                                                  thats one of the least horrible thing about myself

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    talk about my ward idea you motherfockers


                                                                                      at least im not 4k though, thats probably the worst mental disease to have


                                                                                        if a girl told me i got her pregnant (lol wont happen ever) and she also told me that shes 4k, i'd tell her to abort that pregnancy right away


                                                                                          id rather spend 40 years on creating a time machine, go back in time to meet her mother, and force her to do the abortion


                                                                                            good idea but that option isnt available i guess otherwise we could just delete her whole branch of family from this world


                                                                                              talk about my ward idea you motherfockers

                                                                                              i'd like have vision fixed first



                                                                                                was that the game you wanted me to stream