i know how to counter him it just requires too much effort from tinker opponents and too little effort from tinker player to win
spam w-r from 1372 meters away
repel any push
sasasasdasdas xDDDD
at least i triggered this fаggot and made him dc first by icing him in trees after blink then by euling and killing him from 1000 range, with a ")" after each his death
ill need help with dark moon event in 1 hr 20 mins, not gonna take more than 10 mins in total
if u want to grab a daily bonus and die after 5 i'm in
yes, if invoker bought a salve instead of 2 branches and void bought a branch instead of a tango to block the enemies when they were coming for him, and maybe if jakiro bought a ward and placed it at the rosh pit instead of in their jungle, and maybe if void had more damage items, and if silencer used his ulti to cancel storms cast animation and if invoker was actually good at last hitting and if slardar ganked storm more and if you pushed when ld was dead before lvl 20 and if u pushed more towers with jakiro in general nad if you didnt go void but slardar safelane and if ur invoker had some more levels and if u all chose other talents you might maybe have won.
to get like 5 kills that u missed after i glimmered myself/silencer
i'm not mad i'm just stating a fact that after 1k games on this hero u play a slightly above avg storm at least u did in that game
i dont think i'd lose to aimstrong's storm given at least partially competent teammates (e.g. not having mid that goes 5 17) if i were playing a support hero
My page sry
LoL players smh
memearrows = poweruser
i've played the free episode of life is strange
and chloe is triggering me
and i didnt even get out of the closet to see her try to throw the blame on me for the weed
When you play that, stream it
it takes less than two hours to finish one episode
and i dont feel like buying the other ones despite the cheapness
i had some other idea of streaming, i wanted to try some games like fire emblem on emulator (and stream them)
2 games i instaban tinker
2 games i still have to play against this hero))))))))
Learn to counter him
unless u bring 10 heroes to his lane first 5 mins
+ i always ban tinker hes such a cancerous hero
is it bad to laugh at this
ill need help with dark moon event in 1 hr 20 mins, not gonna take more than 10 mins in total
that one got me LUL
i know how to counter him it just requires too much effort from tinker opponents and too little effort from tinker player to win
spam w-r from 1372 meters away
repel any push
sasasasdasdas xDDDD
at least i triggered this fаggot and made him dc first by icing him in trees after blink then by euling and killing him from 1000 range, with a ")" after each his death
if u want to grab a daily bonus and die after 5 i'm in
im in as well (as long as i get out of lp, that is. 1 game left)
this is why it's so unfun to play against meta heroes
low prio again after losing mid 1 game ))))))))))
playing vs tinker is a different kind of frustration to playing against op heroes
But how frustrating is it to play against (my) Storm? xD
HAHAAHAHA i guessed it right there is actually a part near ending where max makes out with chloe
thank god im not buying this
u're pretty bad for 1k storm games
what the ufck ??
Look your lineup https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2957189086 bro
u caught almost every chrono, didn't get eul's or dust and had out invoker not been such a moron/void not die without bb u'd probably lose
Why would I get those shitty items if I don't needed them anyway
whatever you just mad cus bad and i'm 12 btw haHAA
yes, if invoker bought a salve instead of 2 branches and void bought a branch instead of a tango to block the enemies when they were coming for him, and maybe if jakiro bought a ward and placed it at the rosh pit instead of in their jungle, and maybe if void had more damage items, and if silencer used his ulti to cancel storms cast animation and if invoker was actually good at last hitting and if slardar ganked storm more and if you pushed when ld was dead before lvl 20 and if u pushed more towers with jakiro in general nad if you didnt go void but slardar safelane and if ur invoker had some more levels and if u all chose other talents you might maybe have won.
thanks for reading
to get like 5 kills that u missed after i glimmered myself/silencer
i'm not mad i'm just stating a fact that after 1k games on this hero u play a slightly above avg storm at least u did in that game
lmao, good job purge
What do u guys get playing so much dota??
At least not low prio like you with your Pudge games
i dont think i'd lose to aimstrong's storm given at least partially competent teammates (e.g. not having mid that goes 5 17) if i were playing a support hero
btw triple since u're not on my fl here's the digits 160739465
pretty sure im getting an anime pic soon
i'd probably have one but i dont know how anime characters are called so idk where to get a pic from
guy puts 2 hammers in his anus to crack cherries' seeds that he ate while drunk HAHAHAHAH
im fuckin done
tumblr, after following enough anime drawing related blogs, you'll consistently get them suggested
which digits
nevermind ur party was full anyway
digits to send a pty invite
u know the more i read stuff like this arin, the more i feel like somethings wrong wth me
u should join the yearly women assault by muslims in your country
AKA. New Years in germany
im sure im getting banned but its just the truth LUL