General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat heros are good against bs and lesh?

What heros are good against bs and lesh? in General Discussion



      What works for me:
      BS = Naga, Lifestealer
      Lesh = BS, Spectre, Nyx, Pugna

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        you can try to play


          I like tiny for bs and am for lesh. I guess u could go centaur blademail vs bs and then when he ults u ult bm and run n kill him.


            Huskars pretty good vs Leshrac in theory


              to fight bs get a deathball heal strat, something like necro wd dazzle etc, deathball > rupture, mass heals> thirst
              fight lesh with low commitment high burst heroes for eg like zeus
              am is good against lesh in theory but ur other 4 must be able to fight their 5 man if not its a weak pick

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                Abbadon is good against BS because you can just run when you are ruptured. In addition, you should carry a TP against BS because of he ganks you and is alone you should TP out immediately.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Against BS just pick heavy disables because slows won't work. WW is especially because of her ulti and also Cold Embrace. Against Lesh, I like Lifestealer, Clock, Blademail and Rubick with his aura and being able to steal Split Earth is very good.

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    Winter Wyvern. One of the best supports IF not the best when it comes to shutting down overfat heroes.


                      Wraith king.


                        Vs lesh, people with good anti tank abilities like Necro or naix... anti ability heroes like pugna... nyx pretty much stops his spam faster than he can cast 3 lightnings and carapace vs all that aoe is nice, forcing him into a duel can be strong too, since his rightclick and armour are usually trash (not much armour from bloodstone octarine euls... which is the only build I really see atm). BS... Razor can be good, he's surprisingly squishy vs magic damage early, so lina or lion can be reall good vs him, though later they are food. aba gives no shits about rupture... troll sounds good vs bs on paper too.

                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                          Why is nobody taking advantage of this thing?

                          Although it seems to be broken at the moment now that I look at it ;_;

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                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                            Better look at this chart:


                              vs les hany high damage nukes (heroes who can burst) eg lina lion /etc or huskar antimage

                              vs bloodcyka heavy disables or bkb piercing spells


                                Smaug that's a bad chart and can't just go to win rate to see if hero is good vs another hero it'll show omniknight as top counter to everyone pretty much , you gotta look at the spread when they vs each other as u can see on ur chart wk is good vs bs.


                                  i like qop. orchid takes lesh out. about bs, if you can outfarm him, you can beat him even if he ultis you and you blink away. 2x scream and ulti and he is dead.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    What beats bs is good team play. If he starts diving someone rotate 3-4 people. Don't feed him and you will win later.

                                    Pugna counters lesh in a huge way if you place nether ward well. He expends a ton of mana.


                                      you can play naga support to counter a bloodseeker
                                      just press W and click on bloodseeker
                                      then your mmr will go up by 25

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        Omni has a high winrate for every hero because he just has a high winrate. Sure it doesn't necessarily mean he'd counter him, but it doesn't matter either, since he is more successful than actual counters against him. So technically he still counters him, but due to his very high overall winrate he counters almost everyone.

                                        The stat by winrate is the most accurate, because winning or not winning is what matters and not some imaginary hypothetical stat.

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          I seriously do not understand BS is retard proof at moment and he is in 95% of my games. Why don't I ever see ursa.................................................................................

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Cus ursa isn't actually that good if you pick a ton of stunners.