General Discussion

General DiscussionBest build for owning with Abaddon

Best build for owning with Abaddon in General Discussion

    HI guys. I just started playing Abaddon, like 4 game now, and I really like the hero, as you can see in this game :
    though we lost, mostly I was doing well, but my team was shit, and the opposite team was shit too but I hated their picks. My other matches was pretty much the same I guess.

    What I wanted to know is there any advice from people here to help me find out how to best build abba to be able to dominate the game in a sense. I know cant help taking 5v1, but it should help making space for my team since ill be a real annoyance to them.

    All help appreciated.

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      Always max curse over mist coil. Always max stats over mist coil ( if they have a linken's sphere get one point). Aghs on abba is not as good as it seems (as an argument, there was a bug which caused him to have upgraded ult without aghs and his winrate increaswd by ~1%). Early vlads make a lot of difference. If you look into my recent abba games (not many) you'll see that most of the wins are <25 min games, aka you shouldn't count on lategame as abbadon. Not because he massively falls out, but because his early-mid is just too strong. And that bew medalion item is good because you can cast it on anyone and remove the debuff from yourself with shield.


        thanks! going to do the solar crest build, with the max shield, curse build :-D phase boots!

        Thanks guys, will see how it goes

        lm ao

          I just bought a fucking legendary sword. He is damn amazeballs.

          I usually build him as support tho. Still good as support.

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              i think SY/basher still does fine on him. maybe mom too.

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                  managed to play a game last night with the solar crest which is so good, though my team was a fail yet again. Only bara and myself saved the game, our ancient was down to like 50 health I think with backdoor protection, and we killed the tiny with manta just before he ended, and went on ending it nicely. only Item I made a mistake with I think was the phase boots. I got the dadelus later because when I was slowing the enemy, no1 really helped and ended up dying, so needed the damage.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    If you really want to go semi-carry build, at least go for auras like Drums and Vlads. But if you want to play a proper Abaddon, just stick with your carry all the time. No matter what he does, be with him. Protect him from everything, sacrifice yourself if need be to save him. That is what this hero does.