General Discussion

General Discussiondota server issue - important

dota server issue - important in General Discussion

    recently out of every 5 games i play, one game suddenly crashes, everyone is disconnected, and the game isn't scored, even when the game has gone long and we've spent a lot of time on it. no, this is not the case of a player abandoning before first blood; game was completely normal until suddenly everyone dc'd ( the error message was : server time out). It is most probably a server problem.

    This was ok when it happened once or twice even. But now that is happening so frequently ( i play on dubai and se asia) its getting on my nerve. It's not fair when you're winning. or regardless. this is wrong. someone should look into this. Whole one-hour long games are not being recorded.


      Have the same issue on EU West.. Twice in 3 days. One game where we were winning and one where we were losing hard so i guess it evens it out, but like you said, this is wrong. The IT guys working for valve need to do something..


        fkn valve


          Lol wrong forum to post it but even in the right forums Valve gets complaints every day xD
          In the reborn Update they did mention better servers are coming etc and better ways to deal with DDOS attacks so there is hope


            I like that happening when im losing, huehuheuhe


              i saved around 50 mmr thanks to this bug.

              1 game we were winning.
              3 games we were being crushed.


                Haven't seen it yet. Get better internet chumps.

                lm ao

                  ^LMAO bro was going to post the same topic. It's rly common in SE Asia servers, and its definitely not good for people like me who rent public computers.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!