General Discussion

General DiscussionJoining team fights and clashes with no calculation or little time to...

Joining team fights and clashes with no calculation or little time to calculate the outcome? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Are you in or are you out? do you prefer to calculate on the fly and duke it out or you dont fight at all if u still dont have them big items? What is your mentality or thought process regarding this?


      Fuck fighting, get farm and towers.
      Although more often than not this makes my team unhappy because I didn't die with them.


        Case-to-case basis, generally speaking, this is how I approach it:

        1) If clashes happen within our Tower's vicinity, especially when Enemy dives
        - Most of the time I provide TP help even when I'm farming
        - But if enemy is snowballing, I would be more reluctant in providing TP help as I may not influence the outcome of the clash anyway

        2) If the clash happens way beyond our own towers and there is a substantial amount of creep wave I can farm
        - I don't join the fight

        This is my guiding principle: We must choose which battles we want to fight. These battles would have be to dictated by us. We are the aggressors, not the defenders. If "kiting" is part of the strategy, we bait them into an advantageous position for us. They could be the initiators but that is because we wanted them to be.

        Fights we don't dictate means enemy has planned for it.
        If enemy has planned for it and they executed, it means they believe they will win.
        I'll be reactive to what they do. Succumbing to whatever it is they want.
        There are dumb enemies and then there are those who are intelligent.
        I want to believe that my enemy is more intelligent than me.
        That means, I must know most of the things that my enemy has done, is doing, and will be doing.

        I want to be clear, you dictate the fight you want to fight. That means, not even your ally.
        It should be you who knows how to command the team. If you don't know, then get better.
        Worst case, you follow whoever is commanding.
        Worst case, you'll be like the soldiers of Stannis Baratheon, following the leader in the path of doom.
        I want to be that seductive witch who fled the battle, even before it started.

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        plz do

          since this patch is all about taking advantage of ur advantage w death/throneballing, i would say it merely depends on ur xp and gold. OFC it depends also on manpower and positiong - those are basics. Anyways, if ur ahead, u can pick any fights and u should fight, even if its a tight moment.
          obviously, if i cannot calculate anything, i am 1k player and go yolo. Too often was I in that position that my teammates (esp. axes and undyings) rush into something without realising that they are being kited or baited. like they run through obviously warded positions, fight low ground in river, tombstone+dive for 30 sec. at the same time they drag 1-3 other players into these kind of fights and end up losing. I often participated in these fights only losing time, gold and xp. nowadays they flame me because i(or someone else) didnt participate in those losing fights, because I needed to get ahead on farm or snowballed in order to get a core bkb e.g..

          but seriously axe or undying lose their offlane so hard these days and then start ganking other lanes in a horrible shit manner :throwgame:


            @BlackXargon i see you practice Sun Tzu. Toz bad most of my team mates just fight so carelessly. All dota players need to read that book. I just busy reading it for the 4 time myself, cause i got bad memory.