General Discussion

General DiscussionTurn auto attack on?

Turn auto attack on? in General Discussion

    I have have played Dota 2 awaits with auto attack offf since the beginning , however I don't think it is needed now that I am always walking back/ forth in front of creep anyways and maybe I would get some benefit from having it on.


      no advice?


        I personally see absolutely no advantage to auto attack, in fact, I think it is a disadvantage and I think that is the general consensus. Though some pro players play with it on. I'm not sure if they think it is better, or if they are simply used to it and don't want to change. I think it its the latter.

        Likewise, I play with mouse acceleration on. Most people believe it to be bad. I'm just used to it, and it's not worth it for me to change.


          its good on some heros that require micro management, and it allows you to watch other lanes eaiser.
          Eg. a meepo farming jungle you can just click the minimap for the meepos and they'll auto attack the creeps rather than having to shift queue Attack click.
          however, i see more disadvantages to having it on, than advantages.


            Only good with micro heavy heros. Meepo-TB-naga etc. You just point on the mini map where you want the illusions/clones to go then they attack for themselves.

            Otherwise no, its bad.


              Even with meepo, all you have to do is hold down "A" in addition to shift. It's really not that much more hard.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                It's good when you have to instantly hit a guy coming from sleep, nightmare, Euls etc but this isn't a good enough of a reason to have it on all the time.

                Need to talk,remove your ...

                  ^ Attack ground that bitch. Haha!


                    The main downside of auto attack on is : when you are in the tree, and don't want to show your position, you have to spam "s" in order to not attack :p

                    The auto attack on can be good for last hitting (even though it's not even close to how good it was in dota, since you lose 100% of your animation when pressing "s" instead of only a portion of it).

                    Howard Donald

                      It's quite easy to set up a keybind to toggle autoattack on/off and get the best of both worlds.

                      I generally have AA off for most of the game and turn it on as the game goes late.


                        Both options got their advantages and disadvantages, as explained above. Just use what you feel more comfortable with.

                        wasted penguinz

                          for some heros it feels easier to lh with auto attack on ( drow , mirana)

                          Dr. Martin van Nostrand

                            How many times did you chase 1hp hero into the woods and his location is constantly revealed and hidden during the chase. With auto attack off, whenever he is revealed you will try to click on him for attack, but he would be lost in a fog yet again. It's very hard that way. With auto attack on, you only need to press S when he is revealed and he will automatically be attacked, ensuring an easy kill. I think Dendi also mentioned this a few years ago in an interview.


                              you can have a button to toggle it on and off, and ez win



                                Or just A-click on the ground in both cases. :D

                                Dr. Martin van Nostrand

                                  True, but that's still two actions instead of one :D

                                  Just kidding, it's a nice alternative for sure.