General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm Bad, Help Me

I'm Bad, Help Me in General Discussion
Murray Rothbard

    So I understand I'm pretty bad, Im 2851 MMR as of just now. I always get to 2985 and then loose and get back to 2851.

    Infact I just had one of those games now. I went 20-4 but still lost.

    Can someone analyze my recent game as Wraith King, watch what I did, tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can improve?
    Match ID: 1548289225

    Appreciate the constructive criticism.



      min 50 u dont have enough farm u should go treads / bots in late game
      swap ur desolator for a crit
      ur gamesense was probably weak too

      in my experience boosting this acc people even in 3.5k do not farm so as long as u get 300cs by like even 40 mins u win the game since nobody will have any items

      Murray Rothbard

        Should I be picking heroes that are more self-reliant? I have a feeling if I ignore my teammates I'll do better. They all think they're insane pros and fail to listen to reason or acknowledge their mistakes. What ends up happening some games is that they just cuss each other and so no one wants to work with anybody.


          no wk is a hero u can 1v5 carry


            Your build doesn't push fast, and has no lockdown. So i assume you got kited or was slow to push creeps. Doesn't matter how big you get if your walking at 350ms.

            Try the Radiance, Maelstorm refresher build on WK and you'll find yourself. Farming faster, pushing faster and being able to 1v5 as opposed to blowing up 1 hero and then getting kited. It focus's on AOE.. you blink in and tank spells.. respawn and suddenly its game on.

            Murray Rothbard

              Yeah, Thats exactlyit Peek, I get kitted hard. Thanks, Ill give it a try. Do I go Brown Boots then Radiance? What's a good timing so I can track my progress, and what items should I have by then?


                its situational obviously, so if you can get away with rushing radiance with brown boots, then do it. (sub 16)
                most games, you'll probably want treads and drums first which gives you a decent base and stats to work with.
                Aim for sub 20mins radiance, any later and it gets less and less effective. I've managed to get maelstorm into radiance just for the faster fighting/farm speed and still get them before 20mins because it allows you to farm faster.

                After radiance, a blademail is a nice pickup as the whole idea of the hero is, walking in Doing as much damage as possible on your first life, and without a bkb you can safely assume that you'll be getting stunned for the entire duration of that life, so a blademail is really strong.

                From there, mijolner is in the same boat, as that lightning shield will proc itself to victory.

                Blink whenever you can and late late, get yourself a refresher and abysal so you have 3 lives and lockdown.

                The creator of the build is 'hailrake' a guy who climbed 6.1k -> 6.7k using only wraithking at like a 80% winrate.
                You should check out his vods as far as timings go, because im no professional myself.


                  ^ Havoc was recommending this build too. wtf wraith king is a bad farmer in the early game. How do u guys rush radiance? I'm able to get it on spectre at 20 min bcuz of global kills but how can wk get it so fast?


                    try to get every last hit on your lane
                    don't die (!)
                    if your lane is too tough, you can always go to jungle and get some creepwaves whenever it's safe


                      Ok, don't get radiance on wk.For that gold you would be a lot better with some other items.Radiance on naga,spectre, TB is decent but not on WK.In this particular game ur item choice was poor.WK is a hero who benefits a lot more from attack speed items(mjolnir,AC).Deso isn't good item choice.Power treads on wk>phase boots.In pretty much all low mmr games(<5.5k)you should focus on farming really hard.Your GPM is way too low.Watch some pros play WK, don't miss 1 creep.Learn to last hit under tower.Refresher is also useless item on WK since that gold can be spent elsewhere.
                      If you need more help, feel free to ask.

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                        The build Havoc Badger suggested to me was to go blink dagger, blade mail and then radiance (and after that basher etc).
                        I've had like an 80 % win rate on Wraith King since he suggested it so I reckon it works xD although I am lower mmr


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