General Discussion

General DiscussionBest safe laners in this patch

Best safe laners in this patch in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    I really dont know what the fuck to play in the safe lane anymore. It seems that mosts melee carries are underwhelming in this patch.


      Yes indeed beside pa or void youll get kited or bursted down. Go for gyro, wr, sf, storm. Am or jugg if you have enough space to farm. Spectre mesusa am etc arent worth picking anymore if you solo queue. You will get crushed at 25min.

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        Quick maffs

          I suck with gyro and with PL.

          "enough space to farm "


          I am thinking about WR Necro or even lesh safe lane.


            ^pick any carry if your team gets a good techie, i swear youll have enough space. They will never venture into your jungle nor push.

            Quick maffs

              I am just going to go Medussa techies everygame

              Imposible to lose


                Don't go to the safelane dude, it's actually somewhat easier to offlane now. Unless your opponents do something dumb like sending a Lina or some squishy shit to the offlane because the guy was the last one to pick, then it's freefarm time.

                Quick maffs

                  Offlane is by far the best lane in this patch, but i usually play with my friend and he always offlanes

                  ..... and he feeds

                  i am not letting him offlane again fuck it.


                    Lol how to win games:

                    Pick windranger

                    Go offlane solo

                    Crush their safelaners

                    Build aghs + crit



                      if you can crush the offlane solo aa windranger, the enemy team is doing something wrong


                        arnie are you theorycrafting? cuz i see no wr games on your profile page


                          Well, not in his victories, but most of his losses in his profile page contain a Windranger in the other team. Now we have to see if she was solo offlaning and crushing his safe lane ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                          Quick maffs

                            Fuck that hero

                            Just lost 2 games in a row because of that bitch


                              It's the Tinker picking karma man.

                              Honestly, just go offlane core Undying and rape 25-30 min games. 2 sub patches of nerfs and he's still legit as fuck.



                                Speaking of Medusa Techies... Honestly delayed the game 20 minutes



                                  I dont play her, i know that because i see her every game in whatever team, she crushes mid or offlane and snowball. Shes the new troll. Undy, BS and gyro aint got shit on her. She can solo a 6 slotted medusa in a shackle time if she gets mkb aghs deadallus. Shes ridiculous.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Lesh, Lifestealer, SF.


                                      Slark, PL, Gyro.. also Jugg still works kinda.


                                        Let them pick these int heroes (leshrac & crew), get anti-mage, win gaym.

                                        Night 夜

                                          Spectre, hands down. Unless they have a lineup that finishes in 20min, all you need to do is to get a kill everytime your ult is up and you'll own.
                                          PL is strong as well.
                                          And don't forget about PA. I don't know why I don't see her more often, tbh. Silver Edge takes a while to build and in this meta where even carries need to fight early, PA is a really strong pick if you play her well enough so you don't just let yourself get blown up every fight.


                                            lifestealer works surprisingly well, or may be I was just lucky to see good LS players recently


                                              without a doubt spectre - she wouldn't be up at the top of the pub win rates if she wasn't super strong. that space is usually reserved for tanky healers and broken snowbally heroes.


                                                LS still sucks ass. He gets blown after rage.


                                                  ^it was always this way, even when he was one of the most-picked carries, so the argument is kinda... not valid


                                                    This hero is countered so much by force staff and blink man, he ruptures you, you blink/force away and then tp. He needs a rework imo. Or rupture needs to deal some dmg so you cant blink away.




                                                        best safe laner = strongest laner or best carry?



                                                          I think ursa should jungle, in lane ppl will watch if he gets morbid then when he leaves the lane rosh will get scouted. In the jungle you just start with stout 8 tangos and a salve. By the time youre out of regen you can buy morbid, smoke a ring of armor and rosh at 7-8min at lvl 5. People tend to forget junglers before 10min and after rosh you get like lvl 8-9 so you catch up very fast. Then you go blink and space created for safe lane carry.


                                                            ^Yeah, but jungler in your team = autolose in current meta.


                                                              ^ bah it depends, if its a np/ls going midas probably. Ive been winning most of my jungling games as lc, ursa and bs this patch, im 4k.


                                                                ^Well, maybe meta changes again...


                                                                  I dont see as much deathball undying gyro anymore so you can play a bit greedier. But get ready at 20min.

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    A few jungles aren't terrible granted I agree as a solo que it makes me cringe to see.

                                                                    Bs jungle does work as long as when he hits 6 he comes out for kills instead of camping jungle longer with a stupid Midas.

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                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      safelane lc .. ez farm ez harass anytime

                                                                      Ye Season

                                                                        Riki ftw


                                                                          i would say pl and gyro have decent laning and scale well mid game and late game

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            gyro, lesh.


                                                                              I summon matrice

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                spectre is still quite good because you don't need much at all to kill supports, like diffusal and yasha and your ult will put a hurting on their support side. So you can be way behind in farm and still have a huge impact late (in fact you usually are since she sucks at farming).

                                                                                Other than that, CK seems to be pretty strong now, he doesn't get kited as badly as some melees and he wants to fight early and often so he fits the meta. I'm not a big fan of lifestealer, still too easily kited, Sven can be good if you get blink and can blow people up before they react.

                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  specter and omni pretty good

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Yuck you mean together? Omni has shitty lane presence, I would hate my life if I was spectre with omni support. You want a support you can basically zone enemy out solo, like lion or skywrath or silencer.


                                                                                      i'd be over the moon if i had an omni as support. last two games i tri-laned with a witchdoctor/jugg and a magnus.


                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        Ok earthshaker not my strongest hero

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          yeah but those guys aren't supports either wtf lol. I'm just saying omni has poor lane presence, he is good with a solid carry with lane presence like if you have sniper or even medusa, since then the carry can zone out and omni just harass with his degen aura and be there for defense if you get ganked. With a spectre neither can really control lane that well vs good offlanes like windranger.