General Discussion

General Discussiondo u get mmr u wanted?

do u get mmr u wanted? in General Discussion

    I m now lv9. I wish to get 3.5k mmr at lv13. Is it possible for me? Some of my games are party games. High skill games are solo.


      ya shud be fairly ez


        I never played any moba before this, and I started playing MMR at lvl 13 so I got like 1,4k after calibrating.. Then it took me so long to reach the 3,4k I have now, I wish I calibrated later on..


          pretty sure that's not important, if your unranked mmr was 1.4 you'd still have to get it to 3k by playing lots of unranked matches before you calibrate anyway, there's not a shortcut to gain unranked mmr faster than ranked unless you're miles better than your opponents but if you were, gaining ranked mmr would be a cinch anyway.


            like winning 20 games is so hard against LOWER SKILLED PLAYERS according to you