General Discussion

General DiscussionQop tips

Qop tips in General Discussion

    Hi im fucking trash at qop, even though the hero seems so simple I'm just bad at finding a balance betw farming and fighting, positioning in teamfights, and item builds.

    How do you play her in pubs, aghs or orchid first? How heavily do you gank during the laning phase, if at all? What do you like to get after ur first items, bkb, hex, linkens, shivas, aghs(if going orchid) or some cheeky skadi>mkb build.

    I know theres no one answer to anything, as you gotta adjust according to your game, but some general tips would be appreciated


      i bet thats what sumail also said!

      i love u butt

        playing qop is far from simple. But the balance is pretty easy, once you have your ulti, it is time to gank.

        I would prefer to rush aghs because it speeds up farming/ganking on the whole AND makes your much tankier but orchid is key when the enemy is a hero like storm spirit

        aghs -> bkb -> hex, is my usual build but then again i play very aggressively as qop.

        older qop players like dendi tend to play a very safe type of qop that only blinks in to ulti when surrounded by teammates who engaged first


          i have been playing a bunch of qop, and a 6k guy has been coaching me too.

          from what i've learned so far...

          generally i get aghs. the tankiness is great. the CD reduction is super huge. the damage bonus is nice. when you are in pubs its nice to just throw down your one shot wonder, clean up, then go back to farming.

          - don't blink in unless you know you are safe. if you blink in as qop, and aren't positive that you will be safe, you WILL die. every time. the easiest way to lose a game as qop is to keep blinking for kills, feed money, then ask team why you lost. (but im 15-10!!! team is feeD!!!)

          - generally just play safe and keep farming. try to join every team fight unless you have something better to do (which you almost never do, as you can't push towers very fast)

          - be patient with your ult. time it to get as many people as you can in it. use your blink for positioning but don't blink into the middle of a fight. also keep in mind it is pure damage. try to finish BKB holders with it. go for the kill not just damage. if you scream too early, it will scare them away. and they can easily walk away with bkb. if you wait till they are low hp and in suicide mode, you can pop them. this doesn't overule the huge x5 ulti though. team aoe damage is more important than popping their bkb holder.

          - dagger is super strong early game, but generally i don't level it more than once except for special situations. don't forget the move speed slow!! when you throw your dagger time it so you can get 1-3 auto attacks in as well. they can't stop you. if they turn to fight you just run away, when they turn back, throw another auto.

          - general mid things: don't forget to tread switch int before spells. very important for your blink early game. don't forget to tread switch STR/AGI when bottling. for hp/int depending.

          - lastly from me, don't forget qop can be a fighter too. her dagger and scream make her a powerful teamfighter combined with her good stat gain and generally stats items. don't be afraid to buy a BKB + Deso/Mjollnir/MKB/etc. if you think it will help win the game.

          - also refresher is really strong too. but make sure you buy a big INT item first. (generally, a sheep stick, so you can sheep twice)


            pub build is orchid, aghs, deso/bkb and cuirass. get deso 1st if you dont need bkb. stack the big camp and clean 2-3+ waves with screams.

            always carry a tp. your dmg burst is good. if you see a fight tp and finish them. you can also tp to farm waves of creeps. use blink to move around camps/lanes. blink at cd. you have orchid for mana regen.

            early: gang only when you have ulti or if they are squishy and lack stuns and shiet, you get it.


              actually the pub build is scepter and they are useless the whole game cause they dont play accordingly and dont own early game cause they are trash, just trash players playing qop lately thinking its OP cause the fucking hero can KS easily and farm with scepter ulti.

              ez losses


                if you build scepter 1st you will lose lots of farm and you will have mana problems. also, it will be much faster to get orchid and aghs then aghs.

                gold difference is only 200, but building aghs as 1st item takes about 7-10 mins, while building it after orchid takes 5-7 mins. also that silence is usefull most of the games.


                  even a normal player knows that but i get fucking monkeys throwing my games and sending me to lp


                    aghs give you just enough damage to instantly burst someone with only 1-2 autos required. the extra damage in teamfights is nice too. and the low CD means it is almost always available. sometimes twice in the same fight.


                      Marlan, any more specific tips for itemization?


                        i personally just go tango+null > bottle > power treads (i usually get TP once i have treads) > stuff

                        stuff being generally aghs.

                        but like they say, orchid can also sometimes be good. or you can go into manfighter qop with bkb/+damage item.

                        she is really a versatile hero. the only thing i do every game is tango+null > bottle > treads.

                        the rest can change depending on who you are against/etc.

                        Peace Pipe Paradise

                          A mid qop sits somewhere between a ganker/semicarry and a standard carry. Bear in mind I play 4-5k games so teams normally have enough game sense to understand how to create ganks and when teamfights are about to go down. If you're trying to carry yourself out of 2k or something you might need to adjust your play or item progression a little more.

                          There are few times I dont see 2-1-1 being a superior skill build to dumping more into scream or blink. This allows mid-lane dominance as you will harass with poison and right clicks, then replentish mana and hp lost to harassing with bottle. Dominance isn't only about absolute numbers like your cs, but it's also about how you're doing compared to your opponent. So both of you farming well might not work out as well as if you're farming decently while zoning out their mid.

                          In terms of playstyle, farm early and be observant. What dictates when you gank will be opportunity. Early on, qop doesn't create opportunities - she might die and feed. QoP cashes in on opportunities. If enemies are diving your teammates into towers, this is an opportunity. If your rune ends up being a fighting rune (haste, dd, invis) then you gank. When you have sonic, you will definitely want to gank.

                          Whether to go aghs or orchid first on her is similar to whether to go bloodstone or orchid first on storm. I think orchid in almost every scenario is going to work out well, but it will be a necessity if playing against a lot of heroes with great escape mechanisms. Otherwise, it can come down to individual preference. And like someone said, you are a lot tankier if you build an aghs first over orchid, so bear that in mind.

                          After laning phase she is like nevermore. You show up to fights to do a bit of cleanup, and then you flash farm the lane and jungle on your way back. Maybe do a bit of split pushing. Rinse and repeat. Item progression from here varies on the way the game is going.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            If you want to farm you need decent mana regen or extremely good mana management so getting Orchid/Hex or sometimes Euls first is good. Aghs first is obviously for when you really need to teamfight. First item BKB is also good against long silences.

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                              i love u butt

                                if my qop get euls or linkens as the first time, i'll laugh, report then cry


                                  kitrak's tips.