General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Improve my Mid Game

How to Improve my Mid Game in General Discussion

    I recently got back into Dota so I am still quite rusty. My early game goes well, but once mid game starts I end up failing horribly when I play carry.

    What are some important rules or tips for the midgame?
    What do carries do in the mid game?
    What are the normal 'goals' for the mid game?



      #1) don't die, ever.
      #2) never help your team, unless you can make a very big impact on the teamfight (or unless they are taking critical objectives like highground)




          goals: bounty rune, early bottle, rune control. dont die. dont miss any creeps, try to deny them too.

          keep your lane close to your upper ground.

          you can pull enemy creeps closer by attacking enemy hero (for example when lane is on enemy upperground, or you want a last hit he could deny ez)

          be aggresive if picks allow you to. if you got a bigger range, harass the shit out of that guy if youre on upper ground.


          edit: oh, midgame. well, carry tps and farm as much as you can. fight only when you have major spells or you outnumber them. the most important part is still farm. dont be afraid of ancients, try not to miss a single wave. move from jungle in time to stack them and do both stacks, then back to jungle and repeat.

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          Protato BBnoZAR

            look at that troll game,disgusting noob!

            Top G

              watch how people lane against you by reviewing your replays

              Night 夜

                Stay alive and farm. Don't just farm the jungle but try to use space effectively and splitpush.

                Only help your team when you're certain you can either score at least a kill and get out clean or safe someone and get out. And of course on HG defense. Don't tp in just because team screams for you to do it. They don't know jack.

                That's basically all you do as a carry, at least in pubs and unless you're deathballing hard. You farm until you're strong enough to finish the game.