General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get back to play dota after a pause

How to get back to play dota after a pause in General Discussion
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    Hello there!Because of my studies I did 't have time to play dota for 26 days according to my dotabuff profile.I am a 3.5k MMR scurb.I remember that it was hard to get back into the game after a pause over a year.Also I have lost over 400 MMR due my studies and this kind of pauses.I need your advice on how to step back without losing this much MMR and eve getting back to where I left.Do you have any advices.?I can't wait to play dota with other scrubs cyka


      i'm a player who rarely plays ranked, so it doesn't really matter if i play bad in my matches, but when i did pauses of 1 or 2 months, i usually only needed 5 to 10 games to get back into dota. what about you playing some unranked games? i mean then your mmr isn't touched at all.