General Discussion

General DiscussionWho the hell made up that retarded mid DK build.

Who the hell made up that retarded mid DK build. in General Discussion

    Who said its fucking viable to take Dragon Tail on lvl 8 and not on lvl 1 or 2..?

    I'm really wondering the smartass that prefers 3 armor and 1hp per sec over a 2,5sec stun...

    And people who follow this build...

    Boo hoo, dk has low int. he can't use both spells. Just go to hell with this and take that stun before lvl 3!


      the same person that thought arcane boots on huskar are a good idea :horse:


        1v1 me bro




            Mokujin, sorry, but Arcane Boots is no doubt core item on Huskar.


              Hey no, It's after armlet and usually after HotD!

              Dire Wolf

                idk, never seen anyone build that and all the top builds in popularity have a point in stun at 2 or 4. Either q, e, q, w or q, w, q, e.

                I kind wonder why everyone builds freakin shadowblade non stop on this guy when he has mana issues and has a ranged for and becomes a good carry with other items.


                  Hey, try playing him with a shadow blade, its nice. But you need a Soul Ring or a Bottle.

                  Or Arcane Boots. Kappa


                    lol arcane boots on huskar KAPPA

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