General Discussion

General Discussionwhen you offlane bounty against a jungler

when you offlane bounty against a jungler in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    when do you leave lane to go harass the jungler, if at all? Actually when do you leave lane period? Wait til 6 and track gold? Keep farming/leveling if your lane is easy?

    The problem is I picked bounty vs a chen expecting to duo the offlane and explore jungle a bit and keep him in check, but then someone on our end saw bh as a solo offlane and decides to jungle doom. They'd just sentry in lane and as soon as I'd leave lane call missing and now I miss out on xp in lane without accomplishing anything. Do you just sit in stealth to throw other lanes off or buy some sentries of your own?

    Quick maffs

      You can easily kill people with lvl 3 as bounty


        Hunt chickens at lvl 3

        Dire Wolf

          So just start roaming right off the bat? Abandon the lane altogether?


            its all situational on game dude, i think trying yourself effort is the best way to know it. anyone's argument may not help a bit


              I usually ask some1 2 stay lane, coz ur team just loosing all this exp. And u can kill jungler or gank mid after lvl3, but u can go steal exp and kill chicks from lvl 2 with boots and veno. Also always ask for ward to see jungler or enemy chick.

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                you're supposed to scout in between offlane leeching, you have to scare the midder and prevent him from taking your offlane rune and force him to play careful. As you do this, if you find the courier or low hp jungler ez win

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