General Discussion

General Discussiondifference between ranked and unranked games

difference between ranked and unranked games in General Discussion

    Is there any difference in reality? Except for the fact in ranked games u can see what ur rank is.


      Team's compositions are in general better in ranked. People also tryhard there & the general quality is higher imo. I hate playing unranked, games are too imbalanced.


        In ranked you're force to pick unfunny shit for the +25. In unranked the environment is more laxed.


          Im 5k solo rank and when i play ranked dotabuff considers them very high skill but if i play normal i get into normal, high and very high skill games probably depending on availability. If you are lower mmr >3k there probably isnt too much diffrence but for higher there can be seen a huge diffrence.


            Yes, ranked games are harder, everyone picks op shit, you see same heroes every game and there's no techies.


              People mess around in non ranked , ranked ppl might still mess around sometimes but it is definitely taken more srsly


                lol, 5k+ every 5 games I see a techies doing triple kills on the offlane

                on pubs somestimes I get normal-high skill games, wich is almost an stomp

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                    People who say "there are no techies in ranked" probably don't even play ranked.



                      -higher probability of someone abandoning
                      -less balanced (imo)

                      waku waku

                        unranked - i win all the time as pudge
                        ranked - i lose all the time as pudge


                          People are way more relaxed in unranked, specially now that people are playing there to grind challenges and shit from the Compendium.


                            In unranked the 4 stacks are allowed.


                              fact is if your 3kish unranked and ranked have same levels of difficulty, three are enough of similar skilled players queuing. Most 3k palyers have 50% wr in ranked and unrankd anyways, its only when ur stack is 5k avg or so then unranked is easy mode, you see stack players like this with 90% unranked winrate


                                Techies need buff, volvo plz !


                                  Ive been matched vs 2-3k 5stacks who Im friends with, while playing in a full 4-5k 5stack in unranked.
                                  And friends of mine have been matched vs each other, the same way (5 high 2k players got matched vs a 5stack where not even 1 was below 4k)

                                  So, I dont actually think valve tries to make Unranked balanced at all.. Or atleast the search parameters are MUCH MUCH wider in unranked than it is in ranked.

                                  Still more fun to play unranked tho.

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    I actually find unranked less enjoyable.

                                    The main reason is it is almost always loaded with stacks and I am typically solo qued.


                                      well. normal games > 2k mmr

                                      normal matches are mostly noob people ... ppl who like to only play pudge :) no matter win or lose
                                      or +4k players who scare to play rank ( i know many of them ) or pro players with high mmr but they are learning a hero suck as invoker or meepo so they sucks

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