General Discussion

General DiscussionNight Stalker questions

Night Stalker questions in General Discussion

    Hi people, i played recently NS bcz i had it in my comp 10 hero challenge and i realized its very good hero but i have some issues. I played 3 games and in every game i had like 8,9 - 0 kills run in like 15 minutes, i constantly ganked bottom and top, and every game i lost bcz my carry was underfarmed. What did i wrong, i made every game aghs under 18 minute and bought gem for dewarding. Should i go more killing build ?

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        No, you getting bad team.

        If you have basic itens and a aghanim at 18, you are in a good position on the game. My tip is, if you can let carrier do the last hit, give it to them, so he will probly be strong enough to carry you in the end of the game.

        Hot Chips

          I don't play much NS but rushing the Aghs doesn't provide much utility early in the game if the rest of your team doesn't have the damage to support it.
          Maybe try building an early Urn and Armlet/BKB to help tide your team over the mid-game. The Armlet for the survivability and DPS whilst the Urn lets you sustain pushes and with the amount of kills you are getting it will pay for itself. Also nice for pick offs with the 150 or so pure damage.
          Then I would consider picking up the Aghs and let the carries take over.

          A M B Y

            Idk, i wass so pissed off, 4th game i played, i bought necro 3 and won the game myself, i like the midass idea. but i am also thinking about maelstorm ?

            Hot Chips

              I wouldn't consider that as a first item, maybe after BKB to help you flash farm and stay relevant during the day. Maybe consider SnY, building the Sange first - then you can option for Silver Edge if the game calls for it.


                I usually go for Phase - Urn - (optional) vanguard - Aghs - Bkb build
                midas, maelstrom and armlet are weak item choices which do not fit the way NS is usually played
                NS-carry kinda sucks, but you can give it a try to check it out urself. for this case, you can get maelstorm-basher-ac-bkb build.

                A M B Y

                  Just lost a game, had 8 - 3 in minute of 12, my team all in negative score, had terrorblade with shadowblade, i guess i have to try harder, ty guys, '' game is hard ''


                    Hot Chips + Hot Salza

                    Dire Wolf

                      Your farm is awful despite high kda. Wtf are you doing between kills? Not even 3 cs a minute some games. Get ages but they build armlet and abyssal and just wreck people. And bkb.


                        saw a vid somewhere of some dude climbing insane levels on ns.

                        Go mid with only a stout, get pooled 2 tangoes and rush a bottle, put points in q and e till 8, when you first skill ult, immediately at 4 leave the lane for a rune and start ganking with preferably atleast an OoV. Play like a puck in that you abuse your ms to weave in and out of the battle using q and dicing when you know you can get the kill. Keep ganking till the night is over, buy a stick and components for phase whenever possible. You should have a stout oov stick bottle phase by 8 mins due to your ganks. Fuck urn fuck armlet go rush basher, get it by 15 mins when you again gank in the second night. Then if you really require, get bkb, ac, abyssal and typical carry items and be an unkillable monster. Ofc you can have variations on this build, sometimes you might need an early point in silence to gank a qop or am.

                        Disclaimer: I'm 2.5k mmr and this works wonderfully in my bracket, the other guy was ~5.5k I think and it worked for him too, however it might not wrok depending on ur mmr which is prolly higher than mine so yeah

                        TL;DR fuck urn

                        Miku Plays

                          I found solarcrest on NS pretty good

                          A M B Y

                            Ty guys, i saw some good suggestions, plot twist, what is OoV ? :D

                            Miku Plays

                              orb of venom

                              Dire Wolf

                                NS is not considered a carry because he falls of late compared to other carries and is more suited as a ganker, similar to bloodseeker. But that doesn't mean don't build carry items or get last hits ever.


                                  how does he fall off late. his stat gain is good and hunter is a good dps steroid. miss chance forces you to go bkb or mkb rather than a better damage item and darkness reduces daylight reducing the timing window where he's weak.

                                  aghs isn't always needed, if you don't get it he doesn't fall off.


                                    He falls off because its not always night, and even when it is he doesn't have a really powerful passive dmg amp... like a crit.
                                    +90 attack speed just isn't that impressive by comparison to something like Moon Glaives (2.64X dmg on all attacks), Flak Cannon, or 4.5x dmg crits. - or having an extra hero (lone druid)

                                    For equal item value, hard carries can do more than Night Stalker. He needs to be ahead on levels and items to beat them late game. And if it goes too long, he just won't beat them. No matter what you do with a Nightstalker if you wait too long eventually Faceless Void can just kill you any time he sees you. With Aghs you can at least avoid Void if it comes to that. Otherwise you really have to switch--up items and go blink-hex-dagon 5 to have a chance.

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                                        i'd go so far as to say midas is core on him, he only needs a bottle and phase boots to stay relevant till ~20 minutes anyway just because he's so tanky and got such a good nuke

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I didn't mean it to pigeonhole the hero, I meant it as people's perceptions are generally NS is not a carry but a utility/ganker/mid type. Op clearly thinks that way too as he said he lost games despite ganking because his carry was underfarmed. He didn't say he was underfarmed as the carry.

                                          He does fall off especially since none of his skills go through bkb, he just won't have the dmg output of a jug or PA for example, but that wasn't really what I was trying to point out.

                                          My point is that who gives a shit if he is a carry or is not a carry, build good items a carry would get on him plus aghs sometimes and you will be fine. Build basher, bkb, ac, s&y kind of stuff.

                                          It's kind of like mirana or wraith king, a lot of players don't consider them hard carries either and for good reason, but you still want to build carry shit on them most games.

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                                          A M B Y

                                            Guys, we are talking about 3k mmr shit where am i, and someone is speaking about c9 and other teams. Ofcourse if u fuck them up in early game in pro match, ur carry is going to be farmed, but this is solo fucking mmr, and u have to do everything by urself, u cant trust ur teammates, u have to win 1v5, u have to farm, u have to push, its fucking hard

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Yeah, it's 3k mmr where any hero can carry so build him like a carry.

                                                节破恩 ™

                                                  In that case you should probably signal the carry to go mid and farm on the first night and let him farm while u pressure the other enemy's team.. zone them out of farm while your carry is farming to give them space. Urn is a very good choice if you gank repeatedly and is getting kills as you probably will dive tower alot. this will give you the chance to urn yourself up after every kill and continue to pressure their lane / NCs etc.

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