General Discussion

General Discussion[LF strong EU stack]

[LF strong EU stack] in General Discussion

    I'm 4.6k solo, 4.7k party carry/offlane player and since a lot of my friends dont play a lot anymore i need some new people to stack with. I'm reliable player who plays to win, if we have fun in the process, it's even better. If you're:

    -above 4k at least (the higher the better)
    -speak english and have TS/skype (normal in game mic is ok too)
    -EU West/East region
    -want to play some solid Dota, grind some mmr (sometimes normal games too) and have fun

    then add me. This is my steam:

    Hf boys.


      when i invite you, you are always afk


        I was working a lot lately, sorry dude :( I promise i'll get better :D

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          I'm up for some Dota, tho my MMR ain't that great.

          I'm 4k solo and 3.4k party.

          If that's good enough, I can try my best.



            this is how i play in ranked at 4400 mmr


              You dirty techies picker, you deserved it xD

              Shred you to bits - it should be fine and easy, especially if you play better in stacks then your party mmr shows :)


                he doesn't :D, but its a good opportunity for you to teach him to play support and make him get better at dota

                referring to @shred

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  theres a reason hes called deadweight..........................


                    Yeah, i need new people to carry my weight, since others hurt their back by trying to :(


                      Deadweight, I added you. We'll play together and we'll see how it's going to be.

                      My hero pool is kinda limited, and I'm not much of a support player, to be honest, I have no intentions of learning that role, and I think I won't learn it anytime soon.

                      Btw, most of my games are solo, so when I calibrated my party, it ended up about 3.5k flat.

                      Since then I lost some games here and there, and that's it.

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                        4,4k solo 3,6k party, I mostly play mid or carry but like supporting a lot. (Iam not expierienced supart plaier tho)


                          Cool boys, just send me the invites and we can try. RaGeZeUs already did, havent gotten yours yet Shred.

                          Dont mind Benao, idk if he knows or not but i'm a shitty ass support so there is no way i can teach you a lot about supporting, so he may be trolling :D As long as i got my offlane/carry free it doesnt really matter to me what roles you guys play, i most surely wont force you to play something you dont want to :)


                            I added you.


                            5 mins ago..