General Discussion

General DiscussionCountry background of doto heroes?

Country background of doto heroes? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    I can only think of a few based on their voice:


    Bristleback and pudge : Cockney London accent.
    Death prophet : French!
    Witch doctor : caribeean/jamaican
    Skywrath mage : West slavic? Gypsie? Middle east?
    Slark : London cockney (ish) accent.
    Lone druid : Scottish
    Lycan : Eastern european accent, but then, i could not be more precise.
    Tusk : Apparently Bad scandinavian clichee accent.
    Chaos knight : I don't know if he just has a prununciation defect, especially with the word path but otherwise, he also seems to have an eastern european accent, although different from lycan's. But still, he has a peculiar way to prononce the r.
    Luna : Northern irland -scottish (confusing though)
    Io : bleep bloop.
    Beastmaster : Just a weird way of speaking.
    Magnus : Ethiopian
    Mirana : Greek (?)
    Storm : Posh british accent? Southerner?
    Meepo : Brooklyn accent?

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Bristleback is Australian I think. Good on ya m8.

      But tbh I think they're all Russians


        Just look up their voice actors dude, in some cases they are just trying (and often failing) to speak with an accent, Tusk's horrible "swedish" accent and Luna's "scottish" (I think) one are the best examples.


          Luna has a sexy irish accent ;)


            Pudges accent is one of the British accents

            Big Daddy C

              bristleback being irish or australian made me laugh XD

              where some people get their ideas on where accents come from baffles me

              Bad Intentions

                But hes right, BB is australian!

                Jesus Christ, Connoisseur...

                  lina has american accent :D

                  waku waku

                    tusk is russian i swear

                    Livin' Real Good

                      ^ Yeah, good guess.

                      Slark does say mate though, hmm, but everything else he says leads me to believe he's not British or Aussie.

                      Brewmaster seems like he belongs in the same time period that Skyrim is based off of, belongs in a tavern. XD Somewhere in Europe

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        tusk has more of an italian accent tho


                          lycan sounds like a russian from movies kappa


                            Lycan is more like Romanian or wherever vampires and werewolves in classical 70s-80s movies lived.


                              Afair it was Transilvania which is located somewhere in Romania, close to Serbia probably


                                ^Transilvania is a historical region of Romania. It has its border with Hungary and Serbia.


                                  As a scottish person who has traveled the whole country as well as many major cities and rural areas of Ireland... I can say with 100% certainty that this... is in the bag.... I mean Luna is Northern Irish lol. There is no scottish in there... Some bad attempts at Irish... but no scottish.


                                    Luna is Welsh.
                                    Sven has kind of a deep Spaniard accent, though he has a Norwegian kind of name.
                                    I think a lot of them are just silly voices though, like Bane , Nightstalker, and Rubick. But Beastmaster, Slardar, Warlock, Anti-mage, and Necro have all the same mystery accent because Mowry is a creep.


                                        Sven does some sort of bad Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.